Special Colloquium by COS Professional Achievement Award Honoree

UCF alumnus and College of Sciences 2013 Professional Achievement Award Recipient, Dr. Philip Inderwiesen, will be discussing the different applications of a Physics degree.  The colloquium will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 2:00 PM in the Physical Sciences Building, room 161.

The discussion will be centered on Dr. Inderwiesen’s personal experiences and will help students learn about the practical applications of a Physics degree.  Inderwiesen has a broad range of experiences in the field of physics through his employment with Texaco and his current company, Chevron.  Dr. Inderwiesen has been with the Chevron Exploration Technology Company since 2001 and uses seismology applied to petroleum exploration, development and production problems.

Inderwiesen received a BS in Physics from UCF in 1974.  He received his MA in Geology (Geophysics) from Indiana University and his PhD in Applied Geophysics from the University of Houston.  He has received awards for his applications of Seismic Technology & Geostatistics.  He has authored many publications on Offshore Technology, seismology and related fields.  Civically, he is the primary author of the Fort Bend county Outdoor Lighting Ordinance, for the purpose of preserving the night sky from light pollution and has worked on many such committees to assist his local community.

Special Colloquium by Dr. Philip Inderwiesen
2013 COS Professional Achievement Award Recipient

“Industrial Applications for a Physics Degree”
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 2:00 PM
Physical Sciences Building (PS) Room 161



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