Tea Recipes

Easing Elderberry Tea

  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 TBSP. Elderberry (fresh or dried)
  • 1/2 TSP. Turmeric (fresh or powder)
  • 1/4 TSP. Cinnamon
  • Honey to taste

Start by pouring water and elderberries into a saucepan. Next, add your turmeric and cinnamon. Bring this mixture to a boil and simmer for about 15 minutes. Elderberry needs to be heated to release its beneficial properties. Once the mixture is heated through, remove from heat and allow to cool before straining. At this point you can add honey for sweetness, and to soothe a sore throat.

Encouraging Echinacea Tea

  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 TBSP. dried echinacea
  • 1 TSP. ginger (fresh or powder)
  • 2 TBSP. lemon juice
  • Honey to taste

Boil water and steep the dried echinacea and ginger for ten minutes. After straining, stir in lemon juice and honey to taste. Enjoy the strong flavors, and drink once a day until symptoms subside.

Brilliant Holy Basil Tea

  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 TBSP. Holy basil (fresh or dried)
  • 1 TBSP. Mint (fresh or dried)
  • Honey to taste

Muddle the fresh or dried herbs before pouring hot water over them. Cover your container and let steep for 10-15 minutes depending on how strong you like your tea. Strain your tea and add honey until desired sweetness.

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