UCF Hosts Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference

The Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference is being hosted by the Biology Department at the University of Central Florida from March 1st– 3rd1408759_19410615

Dr. Keith Hobson, a research scientist with the Canadian federal government and an adjunct professor at the University of Saskatchewan, will be the plenary speaker.

SEEC is a conference run by students for students that offers a friendly atmosphere for all students around the southeast to engage with one another and gain helpful critiques of their research. Students have the opportunity to present research on a poster or by giving an oral presentation. Students who are not presenting will have the opportunity to learn from other students

SEEC starts on Friday night with a biology trivia session at Buffalo Wild Wings. Universities will compete against each other in a race for prizes. On Saturday afternoon, Joshua Reece, a post-doctoral fellow, will be giving an R statistical seminar during lunch. Later that evening, after the presentations, there will be a banquet and fundraiser held at Moat Sports Bar and Grill. On Sunday morning, the plenary speaker, Dr. Keith Hobson, will showcase his presentation before the undergraduate and graduate awards are given.

Over the last 25 years, Dr. Hobson and his colleagues have developed the use of naturally occurring stable isotopes in the biosphere as a means of interpreting animal ecology. Hobson’s most recent research has focused on using isotopes and other markers to forensically track animal origins and migrations. Hobson has authored many hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers and has received numerous awards recognizing his contribution to ornithology including the American Ornithologist’s Union Elliott Coue’s Memorial Award, the Cooper Ornithological Society’s Loye and Alden Miller Research Award and the Society for Canadian Ornithologist’s Doris Heustis Speirs Award. Presently, Hobson is the editor of the journal of Avian Conservation and Ecology.

SEEC is open to everyone, but there is a registration fee. For more information, please visit the SEEC website at www.seec2013.com or contact Jason Strickland at jason.strickland@knights.ucf.edu.

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