
Polyhedron Special Issue Information

The conference is sponsored by Elsevier and its results will be published in a 2013 special issue “Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Molecule-based Magnets (ICMM2012) of Polyhedron. Papers will be considered for all talks and posters, and will be peer reviewed before publication. Manuscripts must be submitted on-line before December 16th, 2012.

There will be two types of papers: shorter ones of length 4-5 printed pages (Communications), and longer ones of length 6-12 printed pages (Full Paper). As a general guide, papers based on posters and contributed talks could be of either length, but papers based on invited talks should be of the longer variety, either as original full papers or short reviews.

For Instructions to Authors:

(1) Open the attached document (Website Submission Information)

(2) See the journal website at http://ees.elsevier.com/poly/

(*) See also published issues of the journal, such as the special issue ICMM 2010 “Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Molecule-based Magnets (ICMM 2010)”, which can be found at Polyhedron, 2011, Volume 30, Issue 18, pages 2959-3302.

Authors of shorter papers containing original work in previous ICMM Proceedings have also later published full papers of this work. If you plan to do this, you should ensure that your manuscript is written in Communication style. There are cases where referees of subsequent full papers have recommended rejection of the paper because the material had already been published in the ICMM Proceedings.