Visiting Lecturer:
– Dr. Justin Reyes
Graduate Students:
– William Richardson
– Suman Mandal
– Arslan Hashim
– Andrew Silverman
– Maxine Khumalo
Undergraduate Students:
– Zehra Baqri
– Max Daughtry
– Alexa Mckeay
– Luke Anderson (U.G. student; senior at UCF Computer Engineering program)
– Mikhil Gotmare (U.G. student; senior at UCF Physics program)
– Jesse J. Johnson (U.G. student; now at USEncryption, FL)
– Dr. Sayandip Dhara (Ph.D. student; now a scientist at Truventic)
– Dr. Justin Reyes (Ph.D. student; now an visiting lecturer at UCF)
– Antonett Nunez delPrado (UG student; now a Ph.D. student at UCLA)
– Joao Pedro Pires (visiting Ph.D. student from the University of Porto, Portugal, June-July/2019; now a consultant at Deloitte)
– Dr. Daniel Bonior (Ph.D. student; now a researcher at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
– George Davila (M.S. student)
– Dr. Andre de Souza (visiting professor, Jul/2017-Jun/2018; full professor at Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil)
– Dr. Sabine Pelton (M.S. and Ph.D. student; now with the National Park Service)
– Dr. Amin Ahmadi (Ph.D. student; now with Combient Mix, Sweden)
– Alex Stanforth (UG student; now a medical physicist at Emory University proton therapy center)
– Kursti DeLello (U.G. student; now a Ph.D. student at Cornell University)
– Dr. Carlos Paez (post-doc 2015-2016; now an assistant professor at Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia)
– Richard Bergmann (UG student; now a software engineer with COLSA)
– Dr. Angel Martinez (visiting student, Feb/2015; now a post-doc at UAM, Mexico)
– Dr. Pejman Jouzdani (Ph.D. student; now a scientist at General Atomics)
– Dr. Emilia Ridolfi (visiting Ph.D. student, Oct-Nov/2014; now a geoscientist in Belgium)
– Dr. Javier Romero (Ph.D. student; now in the MS degree in STEM Education at Tufts University)
– Evelyn Strunk (UG student, now at Lockheed Martin)
– Dr. Leandro Lima (visiting student, Sept-Nov/2012; now an assistant professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)
– Dr. Guilherme Martins (visiting student, Nov-Dec/2011; now a visiting professor at Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil)
– Stephen Wood (UG student)
– Dr. Diego Valente (Ph.D. student; now a lecturer at the University of Connecticut)
– Jon Edmiston (UG student; now at Qorvo)
– Dr. William Cole (UG student; researcher at Microsoft Station Q, Santa Barbara)
– Dr. James McCracken (M.S. student; now a consultant in the Washington DC area)
– Dr. Michael Hogue (Ph.D. student; retired from NASA Kennedy Space Center)
– Dr. Kenjiro Gomes (UG and M.S. student; now with Monad, CA)
– Dr. Marco Tavora (M.S. student; founder, Principia Technologies, Brazil)
– Daniel Alencar dos Santos (M.S. student)
– Dr. Alejandro Rivas (post-doc; now a staff member, Tandar Lab, Argentina)
– Dr. Ana Luiza Cardoso Pereira (UG student; now an associate professor, UNICAMP Limeira, Brazil)
– Marcelo Schiaffino (UG student, now at BICS Telecomm, Brazil)
– Bernardo Fernandes (UG student)
Last updated: October 27, 2023