The Physics Undergrad Room in PSB 467He is describing how a black hole functions.Group that attend the 1st Lecture of the E&M Series of Fall 2018Students participating in the nail bed demonstrationPoster PresentationSigma Pi Sigma Induction CermonyDr. DoveDr. DoveCody JordanCody JordanSpencer TamagniKevin FernandoBrooke EmisonSpencer TamagniJoshua PollockKevin’s Mechanics LectureFirst Meeting of Fall 2016Pride in Physics Observation 2024Pride in Physics Observation 2024Pride in Physics Observation 2024Pride in Physics Lunch Socialization 2024Pride in Physics Free MerchPride in Physics Dr. Jerousek’s talk 2024Pride in Physics Observation 2024Pride in Physics prep meetingPride in Physics Olivia’s talk 2024Pride in Physics Caden’s talk 2024Pride in Physics Observations Whirpool Galaxy 2024Pride in Physics Observations Orion Nebula 2024Pride in Physics 2024 AudienceElectrifying Interest in Physics 2023 Max instructing studentsElectrifying Interest in Physics 2023 Caden instructing students.