
567 Game Night | Mercy Hill Church

Stressed about classes? Unwind with us! Come to our virtual game night on Wednesday, October 14th 2020 at 6:30PM by clicking here! All are welcome!

Try to be there right on time so you can vote on which game you want to play most! If you have difficulty with the link provided or you have any other questions please contact us at

First Meeting of the Semester!!!!

Our first meeting is going to be this Wednesday, September 23rd 2020 at 6:30PM!

The meeting will consist of introductions to the officers and faculty advisors, a little bit about our group, and some ice breakers so that the new and old members can get to know each other! Hope to see you there!

Fall 2020 Semester Schedule

Details of each meeting will be provided as the dates come up!

There will be three general body meeting

  1. Wednesday, September 23rd 2020 at 6:30PM
  2. Wednesday, October 21st 2020 at 6:30PM
  3. Wednesday, November 18th 2020 at 6:30PM

There will be two imformal meetings

  1. Wednesday, October 14th 2020 at 6:30PM
  2. Wednesday, November 11th 2020 at 6:30PM

Mark your calendars for our Opening Knight event!

If you have any questions about our organization or if you just want to chat about our physics department, we are here for it! So log on to your UCF Knightconnect account and join Women in Physics Society on August 23, 2020 anytime between 4pm and 7pm!!! #WiPS #UCF #Physics #womeninstem

Voting is available!!!

Make your voice heard!!! Voting for officers will be available until Monday, August 10th at 5pm! So let us know who you’d want to represent WiPS!Click here to vote now!

Officer Elections!

If anyone would like to become a board member of this amazing group, the opportunity is here!!! If you would like to run for a position please email with your name, position you’d wish to run for, and a short bio/ campaign platform! All applicants must have this information emailed by Friday, July 31st at noon! Voting will take place the following week. Good luck!

These are the positions available to run for:

Responsible for organizing and running meetings. Will correspond with Dr. Flitsiyan (faculty advisor) and Dr. Mucciolo (department chair) about WiPS events. Attends APT meetings.

Helps organize meetings/seminars. Stands in for president at meetings when president is unavailable. Books rooms for meetings, and contacts speakers/guests for meetings.

Takes notes at meetings and makes sure they are distributed to everyone after the meetings. Sends reminders of WiPS events. Runs social media pages.

Holds onto WiPS debit card and keeps track of group finances. Looks for funding opportunities and corresponds with GSA RSO leaders to maximize funds available to WiPS.


Due to UCF’s efforts in attempting to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus on campus WiPS meetings will now be held online via Zoom until the reopening of the campus. If you do not have access to meetings please contact us through our email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Meetings are every Tuesday at 2 PM in PSB445. We alternate between project work sessions, general meetings, and workshops. Any Tuesday without a general meeting or a workshop is a project work session.