On Campus

Campus Resources:

Suicide Prevention Hotline – YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON! If you are having suicidal thoughts please call 1-800-273-8255 (english), 1-888-628-9454 (español), or 1-800-799-4889 (hearing impaired). Don’t feel like talking? Text HOME to 741741 or visit https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/. to chat online. They are all free and accessible 24/7.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) – We all need help sometimes. CAPS is a free-of-charge campus agency designated to provide psychological services to university-enrolled students. This service offers initial assessments, brief individual counseling, group therapy, workshops and educational presentations on a variety of topics, crisis intervention and daily walk-in services, and professional consultations to staff, faculty, students and parents. for information call 407-823-2811 or visit http://caps.sdes.ucf.edu

Victim Services – If you or someone you know has been impacted by crime, violence, or abuse UCF Victim Services provides confidential advocacy and support to the UCF community 24/7. for information please call 407-823-1200, text 407-823-6868, or visit http://victimservices.ucf.edu

Title IX – Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Sex-based discrimination can include sexual assault, relationship abuse, stalking, and sexual harassment, which the Golden Rule Student Handbook categorizes as sexual misconduct and/or interpersonal violence. All disclosures of these types of incidents are taken seriously. to file a report or for more information visit http://osrr.sdes.ucf.edu/titleix/

Knights Helping Knights Pantry – If you are financially struggling The Knights Helping Knights Pantry is committed to serving UCF students by providing basic needs including food, clothing, and personal hygiene items for free to foster continued academic success and increase retention for students in need. for more information call 407-823-3663 or visit http://studentunion.ucf.edu/knights-pantry/

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) –   To any student who may have a disability physical or mental SAS works collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff to create an inclusive educational environment for students. They can provide things like extra time for tests, class notes and much more. for more information call 407-823-2372, email sas@ucf.edu or visit http://sas.sdes.ucf.edu

Some of the resources lists as well as many others that are offered to help students in need are available to at http://cares.sdes.ucf.edu

Career services – Career services has integrated programs help students effectively plan careers; integrate their academic studies to work and to the community; develop personal, academic and work competencies, make effective career and related academic decisions; acquire career-related experience; gain professional employment; and plan for graduate or professional school. for more information call 407-823-2361, email career@ucf.edu, or visit http://career.ucf.edu