Congratulations to incoming AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Maggie Doheny, on earning a UCF Summer Mentoring Fellowship award! With funding support from Graduate Studies, Maggie will complete a summer research project before beginning graduate school. Maggie’s summer project study will use computational modeling to compare trust-related learning in social and non-social […]
Congrats to AD&D Lab member Xiaoqing Wan on earning her Ph.D.! This semester, Xiaoqing successfully defended her dissertation, “Predictors of technology use among older adults: Evidence from non-users to elite users.” Dr. Wan is now working as a Senior Data Scientist at SAANS Health. Best wishes, Xiaoqing!
Dr. Lighthall, along with MPIs Dr. Natalie Ebner (University of Florida) and Dr. Bob Wilson (University of Arizona), were awarded a Multi-PI R01 from the National Institute on Aging entitled, “Characterizing and Modulating Neurocognitive Processes in Learning to Trust and Distrust in Aging.” The goals of this project are to […]
In their new publication in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, “Aging in an “infodemic”: The role of analytical reasoning, affect, and news consumption frequency on news veracity detection” by Pehlivanoglu, Lighthall, Lin, Chi, Perez, Polk, Cahill, & Ebner find that age-related vulnerabilities to deceptive news may only become apparent in […]
The Fall 2021 was a special one for the AD&D Lab, as we celebrated our first PhD student graduation — congrats to Dr. Kylie Fernandez! We look forward to seeing great applied psychology work from you, and many more inspired poses like this one!
Lead PI Dr. Lighthall, along with Co-PIs Dr. Natalie Ebner (University of Florida) and Dr. Bonnie Levin (University of Miami), were awarded a Consortium Grant from the Florida Department of Health’s Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program. This four-year grant project will examine cognitive and neural mechanisms of […]
Congratulations to AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Kylie Fernandez, for defending her dissertation entitled, “Dissociable Temporal and Performance Effects of Two Stress Pathways on Economic Decision Making”. Dr. Fernandez will be graduating this semester and moving on to a Research Psychologist position at StraCon Services Group. Best wishes, Kylie!
In their new publication in Computers in Human Behavior, AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Xiaoqing Wan, Dr. Lighthall and UCF Clinical Psychology colleague, Dr. Daniel Paulson, show that subjective health stands out among self-perception measures as a robust predictor of Internet use in older adults. Of particular importance, the study’s findings […]
Congratulations to AD&D Lab collaborator, Dr. Didem Pehlivanoglu (UF), for receiving the APA Division 20 Postdoctoral Research Award. Her first-authored presentation entitled, “Aging in an “infodemic”: The role of cognition, affect, and experience on news veracity detection during the COVID-19 pandemic”, features findings from a collaborative project between the UF […]
In their new publication in Brain and Cognition, AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Lindsay Conner and Dr. Lighthall, in collaboration with University of Florida co-authors Natalie Ebner (Professor of Psychology) and Marilyn Horta (Postdoctoral Fellow), present a novel fMRI task for isolating effects of memory processes on value mechanisms. Findings from […]
Congratulations to former AD&D Lab undergraduate research assistant, Michael Gordon who will begin a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology this fall at Boston College where he will receive a full graduate fellowship to support his doctoral training. While in the AD&D Lab, Michael received a Summer Research Award from the […]
Congratulations to AD&D Lab Honor’s Thesis student and lab manager, Krupali Patel, for defending her Honors Thesis entitled, “Examining the Relationship Between Mental Health Conditions and Risk Perception in Determining COVID-19 Preventative Behaviors”. Krupali will be graduating with Honors in the Major this semester and moving on to a post-baccalaureate […]
The AD&D Lab recently received an Exploratory Research Award from the the UCF Office of Research. This seed funding will support a pilot project examining neural mechanisms of trust-related learning in aging. The project will test hypotheses from our recently developed CISDA model (Changes in Integration for Social Decisions Making […]
Congratulations to AD&D Lab undergraduate research assistant, Dalia El-Shafie, for defending her Honors Thesis entitled, “Physical activity moderates the relationship between APOE e4 status and working memory: The Health and Retirement Study”. Dalia will be graduating with Honors in the Major this semester and moving on to a graduate program in […]
With UCF Psychology faculty, Drs. Bohil and Bedwell, Dr. Lighthall recently received funding from a DOD Defense Health Agency Small Business Technology Transfer grant. This collaborative project with SoarTech Inc. explores physiological-cognitive state sensing using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).
Congratulations to former AD&D lab manager, Christina Griep, who will be beginning her Ph.D. training in Developmental, Cognitive, & Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Houston this fall. Christina will be mentored by Dr. Hanako Yoshida and will studying the cognitive development of language. Best wishes, Christina!
Congratulations to former AD&D Lab research assistant, Kipras Varkala, who will be completing his Ph.D. in Cognition, Neuroscience, and Social Psychology at the University of South Florida. Kipras will be mentored by Dr. Geoffrey Potts and will study the role of executive systems in personality and mental illness. Best wishes, […]
During UCF’s coronavirus-related closure, the AD&D Lab stayed connected through weekly meetings on Zoom. Thank goodness for technology that allows us to conduct research and support each other through this bizarre and sometimes frightening moment in history.
Congratulations to AD&D Ph.D. student, Xiaoqing Wan, for her recently awarded grant from LIFE at UCF. The funds will be used to support Xiaoqing’s research on the age-based digital divide. Specifically, her study will build statistical models to predict the likelihood of novel technology use across adulthood. Well done, Xiaoqing […]
Congratulations to senior AD&D Ph.D. student, Kylie Fernandez who was recently selected for a UCF Doctoral Research Support Award from the College of Graduate Studies. These competitive awards assist students with dissertation research expenses. Kylie’s award will be used to support her dissertation research on dissociable effects of sympathetic-adreno-medullar and […]