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 Published Research Last 3 Years

Refereed Journal Articles 

Alderson, R. M., Rapport, M. D., Kasper, L. J., Sarver, D. E., & Kofler, M. J. (in press, 2013).  Hyperactivity in boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): The association between deficient behavioral inhibition, attentional processes, and objectively measured activity.  Child Neuropsychology, 18, 487-505.

Asberg, K. & Renk, K. (2013).  Comparing incarcerated and college student women with a history of childhood sexual abuse: The role of abuse severity, support, and substance use.  Psychological Trauma: Theory; Research; Practice; and Policy, 5 (2), 167-175.

Asberg, K. & Renk, K. (2014).  Perceived social support and external locus of control as predictors of psychological adjustment among incarcerated females with or without a history of childhood maltreatment.  International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 58 (1), 59-84.

Asberg, K. & Renk, K. (in press, 2014).  Safer in jail? A comparison of victimization history and psychological adjustment between previously homeless and non-homeless incarcerated women.  Feminist Criminology.

Bedwell, J. S., Chan, C. C., Cohen, O., Karbi, Y., Shamir, E., Rassovsky, Y. (2013).  The magnocellular visual pathway and facial emotion misattribution errors in schizophrenia.  Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 44, 88-93.

Bedwell, J. S., Chan, C. C., Trachik, B. J., & Rassovsky, Y. (2013).  The transient visual-evoked P1 potential and specific symptoms of schizotypy.  Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47, 542-547.

Bedwell, J. S., Cohen, A. S., Trachik, B. J., Deptula, A. E., & Mitchell, J. E. (in press, 2014).  Speech prosody abnormalities and specific dimensional schizotypy features: Are relationships limited to males?  Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

Bedwell, W. L., Salas, E., Funke, G. J., & Knott, B. A. (2014).  Team workload: A multilevel perspective.  Organizational Psychology Review, 4, 99-123.

Berman, S. & Montgomery, M. J. (in press, 2014).  Problematic identity processes: The role of identity distress.  Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research.

Berman, S., Ratner, K., Cheng, M., Li, S., Jhingon, G., Sukamaran, N. (in press, 2014).  Identity distress during the Era of globalization: A cross-national comparative study of India, China, and the United States of America.  Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research.

Bohil, C. J. & Wismer, A. J. (in press, 2014).  Implicit learning mediates base rate acquisition in perceptual categorization.  Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Bohil, C. J., Higgins, N. A., & Keebler, J. R. (2014).  Predicting and interpreting identification errors in military vehicle training using multidimensional scaling.  Ergonomics..

Bolden, J., Rapport, M. D., Raiker, J. S., Sarver, D. E., & Kofler, M. J. (2012).  Understanding phonological memory deficits in boys with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Dissociation of short-term storage and articulatory rehearsal processes.  Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40, 699-713.

Bowers, C., Serge, S., Blair, L., Cannon-Bowers, J., Joyce, R., James Bohnsack, UCF (in press, 2013).  The Effectiveness of Narrative Pre-Experiences for Creating Context in Military Training.  Simulation & Gaming, 44 (4), 213-223.

Brittany, S., Fiore, S. M., & Szalma, J. L. (2013).  Developing a scale of environmental efficacy.  International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 8, 169-195.

Brzezinski, S. B., Fouty, H. E., Rennells, M. J., Gatto, M. S., Kamps, C. L., L. M. Crespin, University of Central Florida – Department of Psychology, United States of America (2012).  Initial category cues and recognition memory foils for the Cognistat verbal memory alternate word list.  Applied Neuropsychology., 19 (3), 161-163.

Bunnel, B. E., Joseph, D. L., & Beidel, D. C. (2013).  Measurement invariance of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

Bunnell, B. E. & Beidel, D. C. (2013).  Incorporating technology into the treatment of a 17 year old girl with selective mutism.  Clinical Case Studies, 12, 291-306.

Bunnell, B. E., Beidel, D. C., & Mesa, F. (2013).  A randomized trial of attention training for generalized social phobia: Does attention training change social behavior?  Behavior Therapy, 44, 662-673.

Bunnell, B. E., Joseph, D. L., & Beidel, D. C. (2013).  Measurement invariance of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

Cannon-Bowers, J., Bowers, C., Stout, R., Ricci, K., & Hildebrand, A. (2013).  Using Cognitive Task Analysis to Develop Simulation-Based Training for Medical Tasks.  Military Medicine, 178 (1), 13-26.

Carter, J., Berman, S. L., Marsee, M. A., & Weems, C. F. (2013).  Identity exploration, commitment, and existential anxiety as predictors of the forms and function of aggression.  Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 13 (4), 348-367.

Chaddock, L., Neider, M., Lutz, A., Hillman, C., & Kramer, A. (2012).  The role of childhood aerobic fitness in successful street crossing.  Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 44 (4), 749-753.

Cheng, M. & Berman, S. L. (2012).  Globalization and identity development: A Chinese perspective.  New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 138, 103-121.

Conkey, C., Bowers, C., Cannon-Bowers, J., & Sanchez, A. (2013).  Machinima and video-based soft-skills training for frontline healthcare workers.  Games for Health Journal.

Decker, S., Hancock, P. A., & Wilkin, P. (2013).  Ergonomics and the humanities: Ethically engineering sustainable systems.  Ergonomics..

DeLosReyes, A., Bunnell, B. E., & Beidel, D. C. (2013).  Informant discrepancies in adults social anxiety disorder assessments: Links with contextual variations in observed behavior.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

DeVente, W., Majdadzic, M., Voncken, M. J., Beidel, D. C., & Bogels, S. M. (2014).  The SPAI-18-a brief version of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory reliability and validity in clinically referred and non-referred samples.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

Dietz, A. & Dunn, M. (2014).  The use of motivational interviewing in conjunction with adapted dialectical behavior therapy to Treat Synthetic Cannabis Use Disor-der.  Clinical Case Studies.

Donnelly, R., Renk, K., & McKinney, C. (2013).  Emerging adults’ stress and health: The role of parent behaviors and cognitions.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 44 (1), 19-38.

Driskell, T., Blickensderfer, E. L., & Salas, E. (2013).  Is three a crowd? Examining rapport in investigative interviews.  Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice, 17 (1), 1-13.

Egli, J. & Wang, W. (2014).  Factors that fuel small group growth.  Christian Education Journal, 11, 134–151.

Fincannon, T., Keebler, J. R., Jentsch, F., & Curtis, M. (2013).  The influence of camouflage, obstruction, familiarity, and spatial ability on target identification from an unmanned ground vehicle.  Ergonomics., 56 (5), 739-751.

Fincannon, T., Keebler, J., & Jentsch, F. (2013).  Examining external validity issues in research on the human operation of unmanned vehicles.  Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science.

Fiore, S. M., Ross, C. A., & Jentsch, F. (2012).  A team cognitive readiness framework for small unit training.  Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making.

Fiore, S. M., Whitshire, T. J., Oglesby, J. M., O’Keefe, W. S., & Salas, E. (2014).  Complex Collaborative Problem-Solving Processes in Mission Control.  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 85 (4), 456-461.

Fiore, S., Wiltshire, T., Lobato, E., Jentsch, F., Huang, W., Axelrod, B. (2013).  Towards understanding social cues and signals in human-robot interaction: Effects of robot gaze and proxemics behavior.  Frontiers in Psychology: Cognitive Science, 4 (859), 1-15.

Fok, A. W., Frischmann, T. B., Sawyer, B., Robin, M., & Mouloua, M. (2012).  The Impact of GPS Interface Design on Driving and Distraction.  Human Factors, 55, 1755-1759.

Fok, A., Sawyer, B., Hancock, P., & Mouloua, M. (2012).  An Evaluation of Keyboard Interface Types on Driver Distraction.  Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation.

Fouty, H. E., McWaters, A. R., Sanchez, H. C., Mills, R. A., Brandon, B. M., & Weitzner, D. S. (in press, 2014).  Effect of left hand peg placement direction on the Grooved Pegboard Test.  Applied Neuropsychology..

Fouty, H. E., Mullen, C. M., Weitzner, D. S., & Mulcahy, D. J. (2013).  Correcting for gender on the Cognistat judgment subtest.  Applied Neuropsychology., 20 (2), 152-154.

Fouty, H. E., Sanchez, H. C., Weitzner, D. S., Brandon, B. M., Mills, R. A., Bologna, E. S., Guzman, D., & Baker, N.A. (2014).  Convergent validity of a single question with multiple classification options for depression screening in medical settings.  GSTF International Journal of Psychology, 1 (1), 1-5.

Fritzsche, B. A. & Marcus, J. (2013).  The senior discount: Biases against older career changers.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 350-362.

Frueh, B. C., Lejuez, C. W., & Beidel, D. C. (2012).  Introduction to the Special Issue on Psychopathological Posttraumatic Reactions.  Clinical Psychology Science Practice, 19, 218-219.

Fullick, J. M., Smith-Jentsch, K. A., & Kendall, D. M. (2013).  Advisees’ expectations for support as a moderator of the relationship between peer advisors’ behavior and advisees’ perceptions of that behavior.  National Academic Advising Journal (NACADA)..

Gaspar, J. G., Neider, M. B., & Kramer, A. F. (2013).  Falls Risk and Simulated Driving Performance in Older Adults.  Journal of Aging Research.

Gaspar, J. G., Neider, M. B., Crowell, J., Lutz, A., Kaczmarski, H., Arthur F. Kramer (2014).  Are gamers better crossers? An examination of action video game experience and dual task effects in a simulated street crossing task.  Human Factors, 56, 443-452.

Gaspar, J. G., Neider, M. B., Simons, D. J., McCarley, J. S., & Kramer, A. F. (2013).  Change Detection: Training and Transfer.  PLOS One, 8 (6), e67781.

Ghiasinejad, S. & Golden, R. M. (2013).  Modeling coding of free response data.  Computers in Human Behavior.

Grossman, R., Salas, E., Pavlas, D., & Rosen, M. (2013).  Using instructional features to enhance demonstration-based training in management education.  Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12, 219-243.

Hancock, G. M. & Hancock, P. (2014).  Finding vigilance through complex explanations for complex phenomena.  American Psychologist.

Hancock, P. (2013).  In search of vigilance: The problem of iatrogenically created psychological phenomena.  American Psychologist.

Hancock, P. (2013).  My alter ego.  The Ergonomist.

Hancock, P. (2013).  Task partitioning effects in a semi-automated human machine system.  Ergonomics..

Hancock, P. (in press, 2014).  Automation: How much is too much?  Ergonomics..

Hancock, P. (in press, 2014).  The effects of age, sex, body temperature, heart rate, and time of day on the perception of time in life.  Time & Society.

Hancock, P., Elliot, L., Cholewiak, R., vanErp, J. B., Rupert, A., et al. (in press, 2014).  Cross-modal multi-sensory cueing as an augmentation to human-machine interaction.  Ergonomics in Design.

Hancock, P., Jagacinski, R., Parasuraman, R., Wickens, R., & Wilson, G. (2013).  Human-automation interaction research: Past, present and future.  Ergonomics in Design.

Hancock, P., Mercado, J., & Merlo, J. (2013).  Improving target detection in visual search through augmenting multisensory cues.  Ergonomics..

Hughes, A. & Salas, E. (2013).  Hierarchical medical teams and the science of teamwork.  Virtual Mentor, 15, 529-533.

Joseph, D. & Rousis, G. J. (2013).  Casting a wider net: Recommendations for the study of broad discrimination experiences.  Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 6 (1), 88-92.

Keebler, J. R., Dietz, A. S., Lazzara, E. H., Benishek, L. E., Almeida, S. A., Phyllis A Toor, Heidi B. King, Eduardo Salas (2014).  Validation of a teamwork perceptions measure to increase patient safety.  BMJ Quality & Safety.

Keebler, J. R., Wiltshire, T. J., Smith, D. C., Fiore, S. M., & Bedwell, J. (2014).  Shifting the paradigm of music instruction: Implications of embodiment stemming from an augmented reality guitar learning system.  Frontiers in Psychology: Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 5 (471).

Keebler, J., Jentsch, F., & Schuster, D. (in press, 2014).  The effects of video game experience and active stereoscopy on performance in combat identification tasks.  Human Factors.

Keebler, J., Jentsch, F., Sciarini, L. W., & Fincannon, T. (2013).  Using physical 3D objects as training media for military vehicle identification.  Journal of Ergonomics, 3 (1).

Kofler, M. J., Rapport, M. D., Sarver, D. E., Raiker, J. S., Orban, S. A., et al. (in press, 2013).  Reaction time variability in ADHD: A meta-analytic review of 319 studies.  Clinical Psychology Review, 33, 795-811.

Kolpakova, J. & Bedwell, J. S. (2013).  Childhood cat bites and disorganized symptoms of schizotypy in adulthood.  Schizophrenia Research, 146, 370-371.

Lacefield, K., Negy, C., & Velezmoro, R. (2013).  Anxiety related to non-erotic cognitive distractions during sexual activity in bisexual, lesbian, and heterosexual women.  Journal of Bisexuality, 13, 390-408.

Lauer, B. & Renk, K. (2013).  The peer informant: Characteristics related to the perceptions of peer behavior problems.  Journal of Child and Family Studies, 22 (6), 786-800.

Lazzara, E. H., Benishek, L. E., Dietz, A., Adriansen, D. J., & Salas, E. (2014).  The eight success factors of simulation.  The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 40, 21-29.

Lazzara, E. H., Benishek, L. E., Sonesh, S. C., Patszer, B., Robinson, P., R. Wallace & E. Salas (2014).  The six “Ws” of rapid response systems: Best practices for improving development, implementation, and evaluation.  Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 37 (2), 207-218.

Lee, K., Boot, W., Basak, C., Voss, M., Prakash, R., Mark Neider Kirk Erikson Daniel Simons Monica Fabiani Gabrielle Gratton Kathy Low Arthur Kramer (2012).  Effective training of complex tasks: Individual differences, retention, transfer of training, and predictors of individual differences in learning.  Acta Psychologica, 139, 146-158.

Loschky, L. C., Ringer, R. V., Johnson, A. P., Larson, A. M., Neider, M., Arthur F. Kramer (2014).  Blur detection is unaffected by cognitive load.  Visual Cognition, 22 (3), 522-547.

Lowell, A., Renk, K., & Havill Adgate, A. (in press, 2014).  The role of attachment in the relationship between childhood maltreatment and later emotional and behavioral functioning.  Child Abuse & Neglect.

MacCann, C., Joseph, D., Newman, D., & Roberts, R. (2014).  Emotional Intelligence is a Second-Stratum Factor of Intelligence: Evidence from Hierarchical and Bifactor Models.  Emotion, 14, 358-374.

Marcus, J. & Fritzsche, B. A. (in press, 2014).  One too many categories: An experimental test on the effectiveness of a dual-identity recategorization intervention on age-based bias.  Current Psychology.

Marras, W. & Hancock, P. (2014).  Putting mind and body back together: A human-systems approach to the integration of the physical and cognitive dimensions of task design and operations.  Applied Ergonomics.

McCord, M., Joseph, D., & Grijalva, E. (2014).  Blinded by the Light: The Dark Side of Traditionally Desirable Personality Traits.  Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 7, 130-137.

Mercado, J., White, T. L., & Hancock, P. (in press, 2014).  Performance effects of imperfect cross-modal sensory cueing in a target detection simulation.  Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation.

Mesa, F., Beidel, D., & Bunnell, B. (2014).  An examination of psychopathology and daily impairment in adolescents with social anxiety disorder.  PLOS One, 9 (4), e93668. Doi:10.1371/.

Michel, J. S., Pace, V. L., Edun, A., Sawhney, E., & Thomas, J. (2014).  Development and validation of an aggressive beliefs and attitudes scale.  Journal of Personality Assessment.

Mitchell, J. C., Bach, P. A., & Cassisi, J. E. (2013).  The Use of Structured Imagery and Dispositional Measurement to Assess Situational Use of Mindfulness Skills.  PLOS One, 8 (7).

Mottarella, K. & Edwards, E. R. (2014).  Preserving the right to a fair trial: An examination of the prejudicial value of visual and auditory evidence.  North American Journal of Psychology, 16 (2), 397-414.

Mottarella, K. & Edwards, E. R. (in press, 2014).  Perceptions of the previously convicted: The influence of conviction type and therapy participation.  International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.

Mouloua, M. (2012).  The effects of iPod and text-messaging use on driver distraction: A bio-behavioral approach.  Journal of Prevention; Assessment; and Rehabilitation, 41, 5886-5888.

Mouloua, M., Aherna, A., Quevedod, A., Jaramilloa, D., Rinalducci, E., J Smither, P Alberti (2012).  The effects of iPod and text-messaging use on driver distraction: A bio-behavioral Analysis.  Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 41, 5886-5888.

Mouloua, M., Jaramillo, A., Quevido, A., & Alberti, P. (2012).  The effects of iPod and text-messaging use on driver distraction: A bio-behavioral approach.  Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 41 (0), 5886-5888.

Mueser, K. T., Deavers, F., Penn, D. L., & Cassisi, J. E. (2013).  Psychosocial Treatments for Schizophrenia.  Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 9, 465-497.

Mullen, C. M. & Fouty, H. E. (2014).  Comparison of the WRAT4 Reading subtest and the WTAR for estimating premorbid ability level.  Applied Neuropsychology., 21 (1), 69-72.

Negy, C. (2013).  The importance of considering undocumented immigration from multiple perspectives in the context of social justice.  Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 12, 138-143.

Negy, C., Ferguson, C. J., Galvanovskis, A., & Smither, R. (2013).  Predicting violence: Cross-national comparison between United States and Mexican young adults.  Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 32, 57-68.

Negy, C., Peart, C., & Lacefield, K. (in press, 2013).  Young adults’ attitudes towards polygamous marriage as a function of gender, attitudes toward same-sex marriage, and other socio-personality constructs.  Marriage and Family, 49, 1-32.

Negy, C., Reig-Ferrer, A., Gaborit, M., & Ferguson, C. J. (in press, 2014).  Psychological homelessness and enculturative stress among U.S. – deported Salvadorans: A preliminary study with a novel approach.  Journal of Immigrant and Minority Psychology.

Neider, M. B., Ang, C., Voss, M. W., Carbonari, R., & Kramer, A. F. (2013).  Training and Transfer of Training in Rapid Visual Search for Camouflaged Targets.  PLOS One, 8 (12), e67781.

Ogliari, A., Scaini, S., Kofler, M. J., Lampis, V., Zanoni, A., P. Pesenti-Gritti, C.A.Am Spatola, M. Battaglia, D. Beidel (2012).  Psychometric properties of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) in a sample of Itailan school-aged children form the general population.  European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Oppold, P., Rupp, M., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P., & Martin, J. (2012).  Design considerations to improve cognitive ergonomic issues of unmanned vehicle interfaces utilizing video game controllers.  Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 41, 5609-5611.

Oron-Gilad, T., Hancock, P., & Helmick-Rich, J. (2014).  Coding warnings without interfering: Effects of storage modality, working memory capacity, and response format on compliance and task performance.  Applied Ergonomics.

Pearte, C., Renk, K., & Negy, C. (2013).  Explaining variation in relations among intrinsic religiosity, political conservatism, and homonegativity as a function of authoritarianism’s three components: An expansion on recent literature.  Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 10 (2), 97-109.

Pina, A. A., Wynne, H., Little, M., & Beidel, D. (2014).  Assessing social anxiety in African American youth using the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children.  Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 311-320.

Procci, K., Bowers, C., Wong, C., & Andrews, A. (2013).  Minigames for Mental Health: Improving Warfighters’ Coping Skills and Awareness of Mental Health Resources.  Games for Health Journal, 2 (4), 230-246.

Procci, K., Chao, A., Bohnsack, J., Olsen, T., & Bowers, C. (2012).  Usability in serious games: A model for small development teams.  Computer Technology and Application.

Procci, K., Lakhmani, S., Hussain, T., & Bowers, C. (2014).  Opening Cinematics: Their Cost-Effectiveness in Serious Games.  Simulation & Gaming.

Procci, K., Singer, A., Levy, K., & Bowers, C. (2012).  Measuring the flow experience of gamers: An evaluation of the DFS-2.  Computers in Human Behavior.

Puff, J. & Renk, K. (in press, 2014).  Relationships among parents’ economic stress, parenting, and young children’s behavior problems.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development.

Ragsdale, K. A. & Bedwell, J. S. (2013).  Relationships between dimensional factors of psychopathy and schizotypy.  Frontiers in Psychology: Psychopathology, 4 (482).

Ragsdale, K. A., Mitchell, J. C., Cassisi, J. E., & Bedwell, J. S. (2013).  Comorbidity of schizotypy an psychopathy: Skin conductance to affective pictures.  Psychiatry Research, 210 (3), 1000-1007.

Ragsdale, K. A., Neer, S. M., Beidel, D. C., Frueh, B. C., & Stout, J. W. (2013).  Posttraumatic stress disorder in OEF/OIF veterans with and without traumatic brain injury.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 27, 420-426.

Ragsdale, K. A., Neer, S. M., Frueh, B. C., Beidel, D. C., & Stout, J. W. (2013).  Posttraumatic stress disorder in OEF/OIF veterans with and without traumatic brain injury.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 27 (4), 420-426.

Raiker, J. S., Rapport, M. D., Kofler, M. J., & Sarver, D. E. (2012).  Objectively-measured impulsivity and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Testing competing predictions from the working memory and behavioral inhibition models of ADHD.  Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40, 699-713.

Rapport, M. D., Orban, S. A., Kofler, M. J., & Friedman, L. M. (in press, 2013).  Do programs designed to train working memory, other executive functions, and attention benefit children with ADHD: A meta-analytic review of cognitive, academic, and behavioral outcomes.  Clinical Psychology Review, 33, 1237–1252..

Ratner, K. & Berman, S. (2014).  The role of parenting and attachment in identity style development.  UCF Undergraduate Research Journal (URJ), 7 (1), 15-26.

Renk, K., White, R., Lauer, B., McSwiggan, M., Puff, J., Amanda Lowell (2014).  Bipolar disorder in children.  Psychiatry Journal.

Salas, E. & Rosen, M. A. (2013).  Building high reliability teams: Progress and some reflections on teamwork training.  BMJ Quality & Safety, 22, 369-373.

Salas, E. (2013).  The time has come for embracing interdisciplinary perspectives: Some reflections.  Small Group Research, 44 (2), 217-223.

Salas, E., Paige, J. T., & Rosen, M. A. (2013).  Creating new realities in healthcare: The status of simulation-based training as a patient safety improvement strategy.  BMJ Quality & Safety, 22, 449-452.

Salazar, M. & Salas, E. (2013).  Reflections of cross-cultural collaboration science.  Journal of Organizational Psychology, 34, 910-917.

Sarver, D. E., Rapport, M. D., Kofler, M. J., Scanlan, S. W., Raiker, J. S., Altro, T.A., & Bolden, J. (2012).  Attention problems, phonological short-term memory, and visuospatial short-term memory: Differential effects on near- and long-term scholastic achievement.  Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 8-19.

Sawyer, B., Teo, G., & Mouloua, M. (2012).  DriveID: Safety innovation through individuation.  Journal of Prevention; Assessment; and Rehabilitation, 41, 4273-4278.

Schaefer, K. E., Adams, J. K., Cook, J. G., Bardwell-Owens, A., & Hancock, P. (2014).  The future of robotic design: Trends from the history of media representations.  Ergonomics in Design.

Schreiner, A. & Dunn, M. (in press, 2012).  Residual effects of cannabis use: A meta-analytic review.  Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology.

Schuster, D., Rivera, J., Sellers, B., Fiore, S., & Jentsch, F. G. (2013).  Perceptual training for visual search.  Ergonomics..

Sciani, S., Battaglia, M., Beidel, D., & Ogliari, A. (2012).  A meta-analysis of the cross-cultural psychometric properties of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Childre (SPAI-C).  Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

Scott, B. G., Sanders, A. F.P., Graham, R. A., Banks, D. M., Russel, J. D., Berman, S. L., & Weems, C. F. (in press, 2014).  Identity distress among youth exposed to natural disasters: Associations with level of exposure, posttraumatic stress, and internalizing problems.  Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research.

Sharfstein, L. & Beidel, D. C. (in press, 2014).  Social skills and social acceptance in children with anxiety disorders.  Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Shuffler, M. L., Salas, E., Yammarino, F. J., Serban, A., & Shirreffs, K. (2012).  Putting the “we” in leadership. Continuing the dialogue to advance our science and practice.  Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 5, 437-443.

Smith-Jentsch, K. A., Fullick, J. M., & Bencaz, N. A. (2012).  Complementary mentor motivations and protégé characteristics: Determinants of mentoring.  Journal of Organizational Psychology.

Sutterby, S. R. & Bedwell, J. S. (2012).  Lack of neuropsychological deficits in generalized social phobia.  PLOS One, 7 (8), e42675.

Szalma, J. L. & Hancock, P. A. (2013).  A signal improvement to signal detection analysis: Fuzzy SDT on the ROCs.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39, 1741-1762.

Szalma, J. L., Schmidt, T. N., Teo, G. W., & Hancock, P. A. (in press, 2014).  Vigilance on the Move: Video Game-Based Measurement of Sustained Attention.  Ergonomics..

Taylor, G. S., Reinerman-Jones, L. E., Szalma, J. L., Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P. A. (2013).  What to automate: Addressing the multidimensionality of cognitive resources through system design.  Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 7, 311-329.

Taylor, G. S., Reinerman-Jones, L., Szalma, J. L., Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P. (2013).  What to automate: Addressing the multidimensionality of cognitive resources through system design.  Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making.

Verduin, M., LaRowe, S., Myrick, H., Cannon-Bowers, J., & Bowers, C. (2012).  Computer simulation games as an adjunct for treatment in male veterans with alcohol use disorder.  Journal of Substance Abuse.

Voss, M., Prakash, R., Erikson, K., Boot, W., Basak, C., Mark Neider Dan Simons Monica Fabiani Gabrielle Gratton Arthur Kramer (2012).  Effects of training strategies implemented in a complex videogame on functional connectivity of attentional networks.  NeuroImage, 59 (1), 138-148.

Wang, W., de la Torre, J., & Drasgow, F. (in press, 2014).  MCMC GGUM: A New Computer Program for Estimating Unfolding IRT Models.  Applied Psychological Measurement.

Wang, W., Neuman, E. J., & Newman, D. A. (2014).  Statistical power of the social network autocorrelation model.  Social Networks, 38, 88-99.

Wang, W., Tay, L., & Drasgow, F. (2013).  Detecting differential item functioning of polytomous items for an ideal point response process.  Applied Psychological Measurement, 37, 316-335.

Wee, S., Newman, D., & Joseph, D. L. (in press, 2014).  More than g: Selection Quality and Adverse Impact Implications of Considering Second-Stratum Cognitive Abilities.  Journal of Applied Psychology..

White, R., Marino Carper, T., Scott, S. L., Middleton, M., Renk, K., Amie Grills-Taquechel (in press, 2013).  Emerging adults’ behavior problems and coping following hurricanes.  Journal of Child and Family Studies.

Wiley, R. E. & Berman, S. L. (2013).  Adolescent identity development and distress in a clinical sample.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69 (12), 1299–1304.

Wiltshire, T., Lobato, E., Jentsch, F., & Fiore, S. (2013).  Will (dis)embodied LIDA agents be socially interactive? A commentary on Franklin et al.’s (2013) Conceptual Commitments of the LIDA Model of Cognition.  Journal of Artificial General Intelligence, 4 (2), 42-47.

Wong Sarver, N., Beidel, D., & Spitalnick, J. (2014).  The feasibility and acceptability of virtual environments in the treatment of childhood social anxiety disorder.  Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 43, 63-73.

Wong, N., Beidel, D. C., Sarver, D. E., & Sims, V. (2012).  Facial Emotion Recognition in Children with High Functioning Autism and Children with Social Phobia.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 43 (5), 775-794.

Wong, N., Beidel, D. C., Sarver, D. E., & Sims, V. (2012).  Facial Emotion Recognition in Children with High Functioning Autism and Children with Social Phobia.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 43 (5), 775-794.

Wright, C. & Levitt, M. (2013).  Parental Absence, Academic Competence, and Expectations in Latino Immigrant Youth.  Journal of Family Issues.

Wright, C. (2013).  Dating Behavior Variations in Central American, Cuban, and South American College Students.  Revista Latino-Americana de Geographia e Genero.

Wright, C. (2013).  Family Structure and Music as a Model of Dyadic Behavior.  Marriage and Family.

Wright, C. (2014).  Sexual Behaviors of Hispanic Emerging Adults: Examining the Immigrant Paradox.  Marriage and Family.

Xavier, L., Fritzsche, B., Sanz, E., & Smith, N. (in press, 2014).  Stereotype threat: How does it measure up?  Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice.

Zajac, S., Gregory, M. E., Bedwell, W. L., Kramer, W. S., & Salas, E. (2014).  The cognitive underpinnings of adaptive team performance in ill-defined task situations: A closer look at team cognition.  Organizational Psychology Review, 4 (1), 49-73.

Zaman, W. & Fivush, R. (2013).  Gender Differences in Elaborative Parent–Child Emotion and Play Narratives.  Sex Roles.

Zaman, W. & Fivush, R. (2013).  Stories of the self and parents: Relations to adolescent attachment.  Developmental Psychology.

Articles in Proceedings 

In Press

Leavens, J. A., Stader, S. A., Adan, N., Leyva, K., Dewar, A. R., Mouloua, M. (in press, 2013).  Analysis of aerospace trends published in the International Journal of Aviation Psychology from 1991-2012.  International Journal of Aviation Psychology.

Leavens, J. A., Stader, S., Gonzalez, B., Fontaine, V., & Mouloua, M. (in press, 2013).  Effects of secondary task type on monitoring performance in the Multi-Attribute Task Battery.  International Journal of Aviation Psychology.

Procci, K., James, N., & Bowers, C. (in press, 2013).  The effect of gender, age, and experience on game engagement.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Rosen, M., Lewis, J., McConnell, D., & Neider, M. (in press, 2014).  The effects of stress on distance perception.  Journal of Vision.

Sinatra, A., Sims, V., Bailey, S., & Najle, M. (in press, 2013).  Differences in the Performance of Older and Younger Adults in a Synthetic Speech Dichotic Listening Task.  Human Factors.

Sinatra, A., Sims, V., Najle, M., & Bailey, S. (in press, 2012).  The impact of synthetic and accented speech on unattended recall in a dichotic listening task.  Human Factors.

Stader, S. A., Leavens, J. A., Fontaine, V., Gonzalez, B., & Mouloua, M. (in press, 2013).  Validation of the Multi-Attribute Task Battery-II using a three task adaptive function allocation paradigm.  International Journal of Aviation Psychology.


Barnes, M., Chen, J., Jentsch, F., Redden, E., & Light, K. (2013).  An overview of humans in autonomy for military environments: Safety, types of autonomy, agents, and user interfaces.  HCI International.

Bohil, C. J. (2013).  Comparing traditional and fuzzy signal detection analysis for classification data.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Bunnell, B., Wong, N., & Beidel, D. C. (2012).  Comprehensive social skills training for youth with Asperger’s Disorder: Assessing impact on core and associated features.  Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting.

Colon, N., Rupp, M. A., & Mouloua, M. (2013).  Temporary Barriers Reduce the Effects of Rubbernecking.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57 (1), 1810=1814.

Dewar, A. R., Rupp, M., Gentzler, M., & Mouloua, M. (2013).  Improving Motorcycle Training Programs: Suggestions and Recommendations.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57 (1), Santa Monica: CA: Humnan Factors and Ergonimics Society, 1485-1489.

Emfield, A., Leavens, J., Mouloua, M., & Neider, M. (2013).  Evaluating the Effect of Riddles on Driving.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57 (1), Santa Monica: CA: HFES, 2158-2161.

Fincannon, T., Jentsch, F., Sellers, B., & Talone, A. (2013).  Best practices in human operation of robotic/unmanned vehicles: A technical review.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Fiore, S., Jentsch, F., Pavlas, D., & Rosen, M. (2012).  Conceptualizing cognition at multiple levels in support of training Team Cognitive Readiness.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Fok, A. W., Procci, K., Flynn, J. A., & Mouloua, M. (2013).  The effects of mental model conformity on usability in apps.  In HFES (Ed.)  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57, Santa Monica: California: , 1323-1327.

Fritzsche, B. & Marcus, J. (2014).  One size doesn’t fit all: Toward a theory on the intersectional salience of ageism at work.  Academy of Management.

Gaspar, J., Neider, M., Simons, D., McCarley, J., & Kramer, A. (2012).  Examining the Efficacy of Training Interventions in Improving Older Driver Performance.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Gentzler, M., McConnell, D. S., Stafford, S., & Smither, J. A. (2013).  Enhanced lighting effects on nighttime perception of motorcycle time-to-contact.  Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference.

Goetz, A., Keebler, J. R., Phillips, E., Jentsch, F., & Hudson, I. (2012).  Evaluation of simulations for future HRI teams.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Hall, T., Dotson, K., Herring, D., Dietz, A., Shah, M., Bowers, C., Tantleff-Dunn, S., & Dunn, M. (2014).  The Expectancy Challenge Alcohol Literacy Curriculum (ECALC): Implementation of a Digital Translation with High School Students.  Research Society of Alcoholism.

Hess, A. S., Wismer, A. J., Bohil, C. J., & Neider, M. (2013).  On the Hunt Visual Search for Camouflaged Targets in Realistic Environments.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57 (1), 1124-1128.

Higgins, N., Bohil, C. J., & Keebler, J. (2013).  Object identification errors can be predicted from attention biases acquired during training.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Hill, A., Bohil, C. J., Lewis, J. E., & Neider, M. B. (2013).  Prefrontal Cortex Activity During Walking While Multitasking An fNIR Study.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57 (1), 1224-1228.

Jentsch, F., Schuster, D., Fincannon, T., & Ososky, S. (2013).  The impact of type and level of automation on situation awareness and performance in Human-Robot Interaction.  HCI International.

Kent, T., Marraffino, M., Najle, M., Sinatra, A., & Sims, V. (2012).  Effects of input modality and expertise on workload and video game performance.  Human Factors.

Lewis, J. E. & Neider, M. (2013).  Do Looming Objects Capture Overt Attention.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57 (1), 1109-1113.

Lum, H. C., Sims, V. K., Chin, M. G., Halse, S. E., & Harris, M. (2012).  Humans to robots: How technomorphic features shape our perceptions of each other.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Mesa, F., Beidel, D. C., Bunnell, B. E., Nieves, M., & Owens, M. (2012).  Treatment outcome for childhood social phobia: Assessing impact on school, family, peers, and home functioning.  Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting.

Michaelis, J. R., Rupp, M. A., & McConnell, D. S. (2013).  Driver performance in construction zones and accident scenes.  Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference.

Michaelis, J. R., Smither, J. A., & McConnell, D. S. (2013).  Effects of color and environment on cognitive restoration.  Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference.

Mykoniatis, K., Angelopoulou, A., Schaefer, K. E., & Hancock, P. (2013).  The development of an intelligent autonomous face recognizing robot.  IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.

Niederman, E., Price, J., Sawyer, B. D., & Hancock, P. (2013).  Can neatness of dress affect perceived personality?  Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference.

O’Connell, M. & Szalma, J. L. (2013).  ROC-Estimator software and ROC analysis.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

O’Connell, M. & Szalma, J. L. (2013).  ROC-Estimator software and ROC analysis.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57, 1462-1434.

Ososky, S., Phillips, E., & Jentsch, F. (2013).  A picture is worth a thousand mental models: Evaluating human understanding of robot teammates.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Ososky, S., Phillips, E., & Jentsch, F. (2013).  Human considerations in the application of cognitive decision models for HRI.  HCI International.

Ososky, S., Sanders, T., Jentsch, F. G., Hancock, P., & Chen, J. Y.C. (2014).  Determinants of system transparency, and its influence on trust in and reliance on unmanned robotic systems.  SPIE 9084 Unmanned Systems Technology XVI..

Ososky, S., Schuster, D., & Jentsch, F. (2013).  Building appropriate trust in human-robot teams.  AAAI 2013 Spring Symposium.

Perkins, S., LaBorde, P., Neiderman, E., Sawyer, B. D., & Hancock, P. (2013).  A relication of a surprising effect in a priming and simulation sickness study.  Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference.

Phillips, E., Ososky, S., Swigert, B., & Jentsch, F. (2012).  Human-animal teams as an analog for future human-robot teams.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Phillips, E., Rivera, J., & Jentsch, F. (2013).  Developing a tactical language for future robotic teammates.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Procci, K., Bowers, C., & Andrews, A. (2012).  Me and My VE.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Ringer, R. V., Johnson, A. P., Gaspar, J., Neider, M. B., Crowell, J., Arthur F. Kramer; Lester C. Loschkey (2014).  Creating a new dynamic measure of the Useful Field of View.  In J. Mulligan (Ed.)  Proceedings of the 2014 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ACM, 59-66.

Rivera, J., Curtis, M., & Jentsch, F. (2012).  Assessing the impact of a dynamic intervention within a perceptual discrimination module.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Rupp, M. A., McConnell, D. S., & Smither, J. A. (2013).  The effects of demand characteristics in action video game players studies.  Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference.

Rupp, M., Oppold, P., & McConnell, D. (2013).  Comparing the performance, workload and usability of a gamepad and joystick in a complex task.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Sawyer, B. D. & Hancock, P. (2013).  Research applications of the population user mastery (PSUM).  Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference.

Schmidt, T. N., Teo, G. W., Szalma, J. L., Hancock, G. M., & Hancock, P. A. (2012).  The effect of video game play on performance in a vigilance task.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 56, 1544-1547.

Schmidt, T., Hancock, G., Amicarella, Z., Szalma, J., & Hancock, P. (2013).  Action video game players and vigilance performance.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Schuster, D. & Jentsch, F. (2013).  Increasing robot autonomy effectively using the science of teams.  HCI International.

Schuster, D., Keebler, J., Jentsch, F., & Zuniga, J. (2012).  Comparison of SA measurement techniques in a human-robot team task.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Sellers, B., Fincannon, T., & Jentsch, F. (2012).  The effects of autonomy and cognitive abilities on workload and supervisory control of unmanned systems.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Shah, M., Dietz, A., Dotson, K., Herring, D., Hall, T., Bowers, C., Tantleff-Dunn, S., & Dunn, M.E. (2014).  Development of a Web-Based Parent Education Program to Reduce Risky and Underage Alcohol Use Among High School Students.  Research Society of Alcoholism.

Siler, J., Hinton, D., Ortiz-Diaz, K., Sawyer, B. D., & Hancock, P. (2013).  T9 in a different time.  Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference.

Sinatra, A., Sims, V., Bailey, S., & Najle, M. (2013).  Differences in the Performance of Older and Younger Adults in a Synthetic Speech Dichotic Listening Task.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Stader, S., Leavens, J., Gonzaelz, B., Fontaine, V., & Mouloua, M. (2013).  Effects of Display and Task Features on System Monitoring Performance in the Original Multi-Attribute Task Battery and MATB-II.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57 (1), Santa Monica: CA: HFES, 1435-1439.

Stader, S., Leavens, J., Gonzalez, B., Fontaine, V., & Mouloua, M. (2013).  Effects of display and task features on system monitoring performance in the original Multi-Attribute Task Battery and MATB-II.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57, Santa Monica:California: HFES, 1435-1439..

Strater, L., Riley, J., Procci, K., & Beidel, D. C. (2013).  Me and My VE, Part 2.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57, 2127-2131.

Szalma, J. L. & Teo, G. W. (2012).  The joint effect of task characteristics and extraversion on the performance, workload, and stress of signal detection.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 56, 1054-1058.

Szalma, J., Schmidt, T. N., Teo, G. W., Hancock, G. M., Amicarelle, Z., & Hancock, P.A. (2013).  Action video game players and vigilance performance.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57, 1450-1454.

Szumlanski, S., Gomez, F., & Sims, V. (2013).  A new set of norms for semantic relatedness measuresSzumlanski, S., Gom.  Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Talone, A. B., Jentsch, F. G., & Hudson, I. L. (2014).  Moving the field of unmanned vehicle research forward: Specifying features for simulations to study human-robot interaction.  Proceedings of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International’s (AUVSI) Unmanned Systems 2014 Conference..

Talone, A., Fincannon, T., Schuster, D., Jentsch, F., & Hudson, I. (2013).  The benefits of virtual simulation over physical simulation for HRI team research: Lessons learned from research with two simulation test beds.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Taylor, G. S., Reinerman-Jones, L. E., Szalma, J. K., Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P. A. (2013).  Addressing the Multidimensionality of Cognitive Resources Through System Design.  Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making (JCEDM), 7 (4), Sage Journals, 311-329.

Teo, G. W., Schmidt, T. N., Szalma, J. L., Hancock, G. M., & Hancock, P. A. (2012).  The effect of knowledge of results for training vigilance in a video game-based environment.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 56, 1421-1425.

Teo, G. W., Schmidt, T. N., Szalma, J., Hancock, G. M., & Hancock, P. A. (2013).  The Effects of feedback in vigilance training on performance, workload, stress and coping.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57, 1119-1123.

Teo, G. W., Szalma, J. L., Schmidt, T. N., Hancock, G. M., & Hancock, P. A. (2012).  Evaluating vigilance in a dynamic environment: Methodological issues and proposals.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 56, 1586-1590.

Teo, G., Schmidt, T., Szalma, J., Hancock, G., & Hancock, P. (2013).  The effects of feedback in vigilance training on performance, workload, stress and copying.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Wiltshire, T., Lobato, E. J.C., Velez, J., Jentsch, F. G., & Fiore, S. (2014).  An interdisciplinary taxonomy of social cues and signals in the service of engineering robotic social intelligence.  SPIE 9084 Unmanned Systems Technology XVI., 90840F.

Wright, J., Sanders, T., & Hancock, P. (2013).  Identifying the role of attributions in human perceptions of robots.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Non-Refereed Articles & Procedings 

Hancock, P. (2013).  Unshrouding the mysteries of HF/E in Turin.  Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Bulletin.

Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals 


Beidel, D., Bulik, C. M., & Stanley, M. S. (2014).  Abnormal psychology: A scientist-practitioner approach (3rd edition) (3rd ed.). New York:  Prentice Hall.

Dipboye, R. (2014).  The Science and Application of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Hancock, P. (2013).  The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Engineering. New York:  Oxford University Press.

Hancock, P. (2014).  Hoax Spring Eternal: The Psychology of Cognitive Deception.

Hancock, P. (2014).  The measures of meaning and the meaning of measures.

Hoffman, R. R., Hancock, P. A., Scerbo, M. W., Szalma, J. L., & Parasuraman, R. (2013).  The Cambridge handbook of applied perception.

Hoffman, R. R., Hancock, P., Szalma, J. L., & Scerbo, M. (2014).  Handbook of Applied Perception Research.

McConnell, D. S. (2013).  Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Psychology (3rd ed.) Kendall/Hunt.

Saunders, W. S. (2013).  Planning for Spontaneity: Helping your family grow and thrive in a hectic age.

Wright, C. (2013).  Mysteries of Human Development: A Lifespan Perspective.

Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements 


Bach, P. (2013). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Case Formulation. In Morris, E. M. J., Johns, L. C., & Oliver, J. E. (Eds.), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness for Psychosis (pp. 64-75). Wiley-Blackwell.

Bach, P. (2013). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for inpatients with psychosis. In Gaudiano, B. (Ed.), Incorporating Acceptance and Mindfulness into the Treatment of Psychosis: Current Trends and Future Directions.

Bedwell, J. S., Ragsdale, K. A., & Deptula, A. E. (2014). Early visual processing abnormalities related to schizophrenia and autistic spectrum disorder.. In Press, In R. Hoffman (Ed.), Cambridge handbook of applied visual processing..

Beidel, D. (2013). Psychological treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: The case of Cassie Commentary.. Case Studies in Clinical Psychological Scien. Oxford University Press.

Beidel, D. C., Alfano, C. A., & Bunnell, B. E. (2013). Social anxiety disorder. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety.. United Kingdom:  John Wiley and Sons.

Berman, S. L. & Weems, C. F. (2012). Identity distress in adolescence. In R. J. R. Levesque (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Part 9 (pp. 1357-1361). New York:  Springer.

Block, R. & Hancock, P. (2013). Time perception. Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. New York:  Oxford University Press.

Bohil, C. J., Szalma, J. L., & Hancock, P. A. (2013). Psychophysical methods and signal detection: Recent advances in theory. In Press, In Hoffman, R., Hancock, P.A., Scerbo, M.W., Szalma, J.L., and Parasuraman, R. (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Perception.

Bohil, C. J., Szalma, J. L., & Hancock, P. A. (2013). Psychophysical methods and signal detection: Recent advances in theory. In Press, In J.Szalma, M. Scerbo, R. Parasuraman, P. Hancock, & Hoffman, R. (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Perception.

Bowers, C. & Cannon-Bowers, J. (2013). Cognitive Readiness for Complex Team Performance. Teaching and Measuring Cognitive Readiness. Springer.

Dipboye, R. (2014). The role of communication in intuitive and analytical employee selection.. In Vernon Miller and Michael Gordon (Eds.), Meeting the Challenges of Human Resource Management: A Communication Perspective.. Routledge.

Dipboye, R. L. & Johnson, S. K. (2013). Understanding and improving employee selection interviews. In K. F. Geisinger (Ed.), APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology (pp. 479-499). Washington, D.C.:  American Psychological Association.

Dipboye, R. L., Fritzsche, B., & Dhanani, L. (2013). Discrimination in the workplace and employee health. In Ron Burke and Cary Cooper (Eds.), The Fulfilling Workplace: The Organization’s Role in Achieving Individual and Organizational Health (pp. 189-216). Gower.

Dipboye, R. L., Fritzsche, B., & Dhanani, L. (2013). Discrimination in the workplace and employee health. In Ron Burke and Cary Cooper (Eds.), The Fulfilling Workplace: The Organization’s Role in Achieving Individual and Organizational Health (pp. 189-216). Farnham Surrey, England:  Gower.

Driskell, T., Driskell, J. E., & Salas, E. (2013). Stress, performance, and decision making in organizations.. Judgment and decision making at work. (pp. 251-276). Taylor & Francis.

Driskell, T., Lazzara, E., Salas, E., King, H., & Battles, J. (2012). Does team training work? Where is the evidence?. Improving patient safety through teamwork and team training (pp. 201-217). Oxford University Press, USA.

Fivush, R. & Zaman, W. (2014). Gender, subjectivity and the development of autobiography. In P. Bauer and R. Fivush (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook on the Development of Children’s Memory. MA:  Wiley Blackwell.

Fivush, R. & Zaman, W. (2014). Gendered narrative voices: Sociocultural and feminist approaches to identity.. In Press, In K. McLean and M. Syed (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Identity.

Fritzsche, B. & Dhanani, L. Y. (2014). Organizational performance and diversity. In Press, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism.

Fritzsche, B. A., Dhanani, L. Y., & Spencer, J. M. (2013). Empowerment through employment: Job satisfaction theories and research. In Press, In David Strauser (Ed.), Career Development, Employment and Disability: From theory to practice.

Grossman, R. & Salas, E. (2013). Instructional features for training military teams in virtual environments.. Fundamental Issues in Defence Training and Simulation (pp. 115-124). Ashgate.

Grossman, R. & Salas, E. (2014). Enhancing naturalistic decision-making and accelerating expertise at work: Training strategies that work.. The Organizational Frontiers Series: Judgment and Decision Making at Work (pp. 277-325). Routledge.

Hancock, P. & Hancock, G. M. (2013). Human-machine interaction. Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Social Sciences. New York:  Sage.

Hancock, P. (2013). Driven to distraction and back again. Driver Distraction and Inattention: Advances in Research and Countermeasures. Chichester, England:  Ashgate.

Hussain, T., Blasko-Drabik, H., & Bowers, C. (2013). Impact of Individual Game-Based Training on Team Cognitive Readiness. Teaching and Measuring Cognitive Readiness. Spronger.

Kramer, W. S., Thayer, A. L., & Salas, E. (2013). Goal setting in teams. New developments in goal setting and task performance (pp. 287-310). Routledge.

Lebiere, C., Jentsch, F., & Ososky, S. (2013). Cognitive models of decision making processes for human-robot interaction. Virtual augmented and mixed reality. Designing and developing augmented and virtual environments (pp. 285-294). Springer.

Matthews, G., Szalma, J. L., Panganiban, A. R., Neubauer, C., & Warm, J. S. (2013). Profiling task stress with the Dundee Stress State Questionnaire. In Cavalcanti , L. and Azevedo, S. (Eds.), Psychology of stress: New research (pp. 49-91). Hauppague, NY:  Nova Publishers.

Matthews, G., Szalma, J., Panganiban, A. R., Neubauer, C., & Warm, J. S. (2013). Profiling task stress with the Dundee Stress State Questionnaire. Psychology of stress: New research (pp. 49-91). Hauppauge, NY:  Nova Publishers.

Neer, S. & Beidel, D. C. (2014). Anxiety Disorders. In Press, In R. Cautin & S. Lilienfeld (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology.

Neer, S. & Mesa, F. (2014). Behavior Modification. In Press, Encyclopedia of Theory in Counseling.

Neer, S. M. & Beidel, D. C. (2014). Anxiety Disorders. In Press, In American Psychological Society (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology.

Neer, S. M. & Ragsdale, K. A. (2014). Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. In Press, In D.C. Beidel & B.C. Frueh (Eds.), Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis.

Puff, J. & Bach, P. A. (2014). ACT in the treatment of Psychosis. In Moran, D. J. (Ed.), ACT in Session (pp. 15).

Rapport, M. D., Orban, S. A., Kofler, M. J., Friedman, L. M., & Bolden, J. (2014). Executive function training for children with ADHD. In Russell Barkley (Ed.), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Renk, K., Lauer, B., Mcswiggan, M., Puff, J., Weaver, R., M Middleton, M White, A Lowell, (2012). Are schools failing our children?. In M. Haines & A. Pearce (Eds.), Child and school psychology. New York:  Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Salas, E., Rosen, M. A., & Weaver, S. J. (2013). Best practices in measuring health care team performance.. International Best Practices for Evaluation in the Health Professions (pp. 169-198). Radcliffe Publishing.

Salas, E., Salazar, M. R., Feitosa, J., & Kramer, W. (2014). Collaboration and conflict in work teams. Handbook of Organizational Climate and Culture: An Integrated Perspective on Research and Practice.. Oxford University Press, USA.

Sattler, J. M., Mckinney, C., & Renk, K. (2014). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. In J. M. Sattler (Ed.), Assessment of children: Social, behavioral, and clinical foundations. San Diego, CA:  Jerome Sattler.

Sattler, J. M., Willis, J. O., Kilanowski-Press, L., & Renk, K. (2014). Specific learning disabilities: Background considerations. In J. M. Sattler (Ed.), Assessment of children: Social, behavioral, and clinical foundations. San Diego, CA:  Jerome Sattler.

Sattler, J., Willis, J. O., Renk, K., & Kilanowski-Press, L. (2014). Specific learning disabilities: Assessment and intervention. Assessment of children: Social, behavioral, and clinical foundations (Sixth edition). Jerome Sattler.

Schulenberg, S. E., Sattler, J. M., & Renk, K. (2014). Intellectual disability. In J. M. Sattler (Ed.), Assessment of children: Social, behavioral, and clinical foundations. Jerome Sattler.

Smith-Jentsch, K. A., Sierra, M., & Wiese, C. W. (2013). When, how, and why measure team performance?. Developing and Enhancing High-Performance Teams: Evidence-based Practices and Advice.. San Francisco, CA US:  Jossey-Bass..

Szalma, J. & Matthews, G. (2013). Motivation and emotion in sustained attention. In Press, In Hoffman, R., Hancock, P.A., Scerbo, M.W., Szalma, J.L., and Parasuraman, R. (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of applied perception.

Weems, C. F. & Berman, S. L. (2012). Adolescent existential anxiety. In R. J. R. Levesque (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Part 5 (pp. 890-895). New York:  Springer.

Wong, N. & Beidel, D. (2013). Virtual environments in clinical psychology research. The Oxford Handbook of Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology. Oxford University Press..

Presentations of Refereed Papers (Last Year)


Alberti, P. & Mouloua, M. (2014). Developing an effectual logic through a visual mind mapping.   International Conference on Engineering Design (IDIED), Los Angeles, California.

Bedwell, J., Trachik, B. J., Cohen, A. S., Deptula, A. E., & Mitchell, J. E. (2014, May). Speech prosody abnormalities and specific dimensional schizotypy features: Are relationships limited to males?   69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, New York, New York.

Bedwell, W., Salas, E., Smith-Jentsch, K., Jentsch, F., Rico, R., Stephen Fiore (2013). Membership change: Shared mental models and adaptive team performance.   Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida.

Berman, K. V. & Berman, S. (2014, March). Dancer identity: The association between dance experience and self-esteem.   Society for Research in Identity Formation’s Annual Convention, Austin, Texas.

Berman, S. & Guzman, D. (2014, March). Sexual identity and therapist preference.   Society for Research in Identity Formation’s Annual Convention, Austin, Texas.

Bohil, C. J., Hill, A. P., & Wismer, A. J. (2013). Greater oxygenation of prefrontal cortex during information-integration (vs. rule-based) category learning.   Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.

Bolden, J., Kofler, M. J., Rapport, M. D., Raiker, J. E., Carl, M., B. Pollock & E. Lunsford (2013). Activity level and phonological storage/rehearsal processes in boys with ADHD.   International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Brussels, Belgium.

Chan, C. C., Trachik, B. J., & Bedwell, J. (2014, May). An event-related potential investigation of error monitoring in adults with a history of psychosis.   69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, New York, New York.

Chan, C. C., Trachik, B. J., Kadison, L., Puentes, C., Pacheco, M., Bedwell, J.S. (2013, July). Error-related negativity in individuals with a history of psychosis.   7th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Lima, Peru.

Chin, M. (2013, July). Dead or alive: Positive changes in general feelings about bats after an educational presentation including a taxidermy or live bat.   International Society for Anthrozoology, Chicago, Illinois.

Cho, S., Cao, M., & Joseph, D. (2014). Emotional intelligence and work-related well-being: A meta-analysis.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Coultas, C., Sonesh, S., Benishek, L., & Salas, E. (2014). Executive Coaching Research: Toward a Context-General Model.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Dewar, L. R., Rupp, M. A., Gentzler, M. D., & Mouloua, M. (2013). Improving Motorcycle Training Programs: Suggestions and Recommendations.   57th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Soceity, San Diego, California.

Dhanani, L. & Joseph, D. (2014). Measuring Workplace Discrimination: Breadth Versus Depth.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Dipboye, R. (2013, August). The Magnification, Mitigation, and Reversal of the.   Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida.

Dotson, K., Herring, D., Dietz, A., Shah, M., Hall, T., Bowers, C., Tantleff-Dunn, S., Dunn, M.E. (2014). The Expectancy Challenge Alcohol Literacy Curriculum (ECALC): Implementation of a Digital Translation with High School Students.   Research Society of Alcoholism, Bellevue, Washington.

Dotson, K., Herring, D., Dietz, A., Shah, M., Hall, T., Bowers, C., Tantleff-Dunn, S., & Dunn, M. (2014, June). The Expectancy Challenge Alcohol Literacy Curriculum (ECALC): Implementation of a Digital Translation with High School Students.   Research Society of Alcoholism, Bellevue (Seattle), Washington.

Emfield, A., Leavens, J., Mouloua, M., & Neider, M. (2014). Evaluating the Effect of Riddles on Driving.   57th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Soceity, San Diego, California.

Feitosa, J., Glerum, D., Grossman, R., & Joseph, D. (2014). A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Homophily.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Fernandez, M., Hutchinson, M., To, M., & Berman, S. (2014, March). Positive identity formation intervention within the.   Society for Research in Identity Formation’s Annual Convention, Austin, Texas.

Fok, A. W., Procci, K., Flynn, J. R., & Mouloua, M. (2014, October). The effects of mental model conformity on usability in apps.   57th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Soceity, San Diego, California.

Fullick, J. & Smith-Jentsch, K. (2014). Navigating the Labyrinth: New Insights into Women’s Career Advancement.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Glerum, D., Feitosa, J., Grossman, R., & Joseph, D. (2014). The Role of Similarity Measurement in Understanding Homophily: A Meta-Analysis.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Gregory, M., Benishek, L., Highes, A., Sonesh, S., Joseph, D., King, H. B., & Salas, E. (2014). Does healthcare team training work? A review of what matters.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Gregory, M., Benishek, L., Hughes, A., Sonesh, S., Joseph, D., H. King, E. Salas (2014). Does healthcare team training work? A review of what matters.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Gregory, M., Hughes, A., Sonesh, S., Benishek, L., Joseph, D., King, H. B., & Salas, E. (2014). Team training in healthcare: A meta-analysis and integration.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Guler, J. & Berman, S. (2014, March). Identity formation among adolescent refugees.   Society for Research in Identity Formation’s Annual Convention, Austin, Texas.

Hancock, P. (2014). Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support.   IEEE International Multidisciplinary Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Hancock, P. (2014). The antecedents of situation awareness and its future.   IEEE International Multidisciplinary Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Hess, A. S. & Neider, M. B. (2014). Guiding Search for Camouflaged Targets: Does Color Matter?   Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida.

Hess, A. S., Hill, A., Bohil, C. J., & Neider, M. B. (2013). Searching for Poorly Defined Camouflaged Targets.   Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.

Hess, A., Wismer, A., Bohil, C., & Neider, M. (2013). Searching for poorly defined camouflaged targets.   Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.

Hill, A., Bohil, C., & Wismer, A. (2014). Greater oxygenation of prefrontal cortex during information-integration (vs. rule-based) category learning.   Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, Florida.

Hughes, A. M., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P. A., & Szalma, J. L. (2013). What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? A study of appraisal and performance in trauma.   Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, California.

Hughes, A., Gregory, M., Benishek, L., Sonesh, S., Joseph, D., King, H. B., & Salas, E. (2014). Strategies for Effective Team Training: A Meta-Analysis.   Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Chicago, Illinois.

Janowsky, A. & Escoffery, D. (2013, July). Ready, set, learn: Perceptions of readiness for college.   Twenty-First International Conference on Learning, New York City, New York.

Jentsch, F. (2014). Aviation Safety and Security: Multidisciplinary Methods for Enhancing Human Performance (panel).   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Kadison, L. S., Ragsdale, K. A., Mitchell, J. C., Cassisi, J. E., & Bedwell, J. S. (2013). Subtypes of anhedona and facial electromygraphy response to negative affective pictures in health adults.   Society for Research in Psychopathology, Oakland, California.

Kopel, D. E., Sims, V. K., Chin, M. G., & Marraffino, M. D. (2014, May). Spatial schema transfers to similar place: A case of Disney theme parks.   26th Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, California.

Lacerenza, C., Marlow, S., Colley, K., Joseph, D., & Salas, E. (2014). Team cognition in distributed teams: Does virtuality matter?   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Lacerenza, C., Marlow, S., Colley, K., Joseph, D., & Salas, E. (2014). Does virtuality matter? A meta-analysis on team cognition and performance.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Leavens, J., Stader, S., Adan, N., Leyva, K., & Mouloua, M. (2014). Analysis of Aerospace Trends Published in the International Journal of Aviation Psychology from 1991-2012.   Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio.

Lewis, J. E. & Neider, M. B. (2013). Looming Motion Fails to Capture Oculomotor Attention in Visual Search.   Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.

Lewis, J. E. & Neider, M. B. (2014). Capturing Attention: Fixation Not Required.   Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida.

Lowell, A., Renk, K., Lauer, B., & Puff, J. (2014). Temperament and child maltreatment: A closer look at the interactions among parent and child temperament, stress and coping, emotional and behavioral regulation, and child maltreatment potential.   World Association of Infant Mental Health, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Lum, H. C., Grandinetti, M., Halse, S. E., Sims, V. K., & Chin, M. G. (2013, July). The influence of a dog size and color on assessment of responsibility.   International Society for Anthrozoology, Chicago, Illinois.

Lum, H., Grandinetti, M., Halse, S., Sims, V., & Chin, M. (2013). The influence of a dog size and color on assessment of responsibility.   International Society for Anthrozoology, Chicago, Illinois.

McHugh, B., Dalal, S., & Joseph, D. (2014). The measurement of discrete emotion regulation.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Mottarella, K. & Michelson, S. E. (2013). Personality type and investor risk.   Academy of Business Education Annual Meeting, Hamilton, Bermuda.

Mouloua, M., Colon, N. P., & Rupp, M. (2014, October). Temporary Barriers Reduce the Effects of Rubbernecking.   57th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Soceity, San Diego, California.

O’Connell, M. & Szalma, J. L. (2013, October). ROC-Estimator software and ROC analysis.   Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, California.

Patel, P., Lewis, J. E., & Neider, M. B. (2014). Eccentricity effects on change detection.   Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida.

Puff, J., Renk, K., Lowell, A., & Lauer, B. (2014). Above and beyond personality: Mothers’ temperament and parenting behaviors.   World Association of Infant Mental Health, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Puff, J., Renk, K., McSwiggan, M., & Cunningham, A. (2014). Parents’ temperament and personality: Their roles in parenting behaviors and children’s temperament.   World Association of Infant Mental Health, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ragsdale, K. A., Neer, S. M., Stout, J. W., Beidel, D. C., & Frueh, B. C. (2013, November). The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Personnel.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Ringer, R., Johnson, A., Neider, M. B., Kramer, A., & Loschky, L. (2014). Blur detection is unaffected by cognitive load, but eye movements and scene recognition memory are.   Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida.

Rosen, M., Lewis, J., McConnell, D., & Neider, M. B. (2014). The effects of stress on distance perception.   Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Florida.

Salas, E. (2014). Challenges facing project teams: Towards a specific research agenda.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Salas, E. (2014). Enhancing team effectiveness across and between levels of analysis.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Salas, E. (2014). Trust in organizations across levels: Interpersonal, team and multiteam.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Sanders, T., Schafer, K., Chen, J., & Hancock, P. (2014). The influence of modality and transparency on trust in human-robot interaction.   IEEE International Multidisciplinary Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Schmidt, T. N., Teo, G. W., Hancock, G. M., Amicarelle, Z., Szalma, J., & Hancock, P.A. (2013, October). Action video game players and vigilance performance.   Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, California.

Shah, M., Dietz, A., Dotson, K., Herring, D., Hall, T., Bowers, C., Tantleff-Dunn, S., & Dunn, M.E. (2014, June). Development of a Web-Based Parent Education Program to Reduce Risky and Underage Alcohol Use Among High School Students.   Research Society of Alcoholism, Bellevue, Washington.

Shah, M., Dietz, A., Dotson, K., Herring, D., Hall, T., Bowers, C., Tantleff-Dunn, S., & Dunn, M.E. (2014, June). Development of a Web-Based Parent Education Program to Reduce Risky and Underage Alcohol Use Among High School Students.   Research Society of Alcoholism, Bellevue (Seattle), Florida.

Shuffler, M., Burke, S., Kramer, W., Savage, N., & Salas, E. (2014). Leading together yet apart: Collective leadership in distributed virtual teams.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Smith-Jentsch, K. (2014). The Many Faces of I-O: Perspectives on Professional Identity.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Smith-Jentsch, K., Wiese, C., Tindall, M., & Wang, W. (2014). Exercise-Specific Task Experience and the Construct Validity of AC Ratings.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Sonesh, S., Coultas, C., & Salas, E. (2014). How Does Coaching Work? A Mixed Method Analysis.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Sonesh, S., Hughes, A., Gregory, M., & Salas, E. (2014). A qualitative investigation of emergent leadership in healthcare.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Stader, S., Leavens, J., Gonzalez, B., Fontaine, V., & Mouloua, M. (2014). Effects of Display and Task Features on System Monitoring Performance in the Original Multi-Attribute Task Battery and MATB-II.   57th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Soceity, San Diego, California.

Szumlanski, S., Gomez, F., & Sims, V. (2013). A new set of norms for semantic relatedness measures.   Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Teo, G. W., Schmidt, T. N., Szalma, J., Hancock, G. M., & Hancock, P. A. (2013, October). The Effects of feedback in vigilance training on performance, workload, stress and coping.   Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, California.

Thayer, A. & Smith-Jentsch, K. (2014). The Influence of Team Composition on Team Flexible Coordination.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Thayer, A., Gregory, M., Grossman, R., Burke, S., & Salas, E. (2014). Toward development and validation of an unobtrusive unit cohesion measure.   Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

To, M. & Tantleff-Dunn, S. (2014, March). I’m Having the Thought That I’m Ugly: An Investigation of Thought Fusion, Mindfulness, Psychological Flexibility and Body Image Disturbance.   Society for Research in Identity Formation’s Annual Convention, Austin, Texas.

Wismer, A. & Bohil, C. (2013). Does base-rate sensitivity rely on implicit learning?   Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.

Wismer, A. & Bohil, C. (2014). Does implicit learning play a role in base-rate sensitivity?   Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, Florida.

Wylie, B. K., Cooper, T., Reeves, D., Baker, A., & Mouloua, M. (2014, August). An Exploration of the Effect of Media Bias on Individual Jurors’ Predetermination of Guilt.   American Psychological Association Convention, Washington D.C., District of Columbia.


Berman, S., Fouty, H. E., & Jensen, B. J. (2014, May). Clinical Psychology “Accelerated” M.A. Track.   Summer Faculty Development Conference, Orlando, Florida.

Doyle, J. C. & Whitten, S. (2014). Exploring relationships among personality traits and nontechnical skills in college students,.   Palm Bay Psychology Research Conference, Palm Bay, Florida.

Doyle, J. C. & Whitten, S. (2014). Exploring relationships among personality traits and nontechnical skills in college students,.   Palm Bay Psychology Research Conference, Palm Bay, Florida.

Doyle, J. C. & Whitten, S. (2014). Exploring relationships among personality traits and nontechnical skills in college students,.   Palm Bay Psychology Research Conference, Palm Bay, Florida.

Doyle, J. C. & Whitten, S. (2014, April). Exploring relationships among personality traits and nontechnical skills in college students,.   Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence, Orlando, Florida.

Lewis, J. E. & Neider, M. B. (2014). Made You Look: Increasing Oculomotor Attention Capture for Looming Poster.   Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona, Florida.

Mishler, A. D. & Neider, M. B. (2014). Touch screen dexterity training for older adults.   Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona, Florida.

Mottarella, K. & Mcconnell, A. (2014, April). Learning How to Get Away with Murder: The C.S.I. Effect and its Influence on Criminal Behavior.   Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence, Orlando, Florida.

Patel, P., Lewis, J. E., & Neider, M. B. (2014). Eccentricity Effects on Change Detection.   Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona, Florida.

Patel, P., Lewis, J. E., & Neider, M. B. (2014). Eccentricity Effects on Change Detection.   University of Central Florida Showcase of Undergraduate Research, Orlando, Florida.

Vincent, I. & Whitten, S. (2014). Do the Religious Make Better Neighbors? Revisiting the Correlation between Religiosity and Prosociality.   Palm Bay Psychology Research Conference, Palm Bay, Florida.

Whitten, S. & Vanella, A. (2014, April). The Label of Madness: The Effects of Career Choice and Gender on Perceptions of Mental Illness.   Palm Bay Psychology Research Conference, Palm Bay, Florida.

Whitten, S., Weinberger, L., & Thorne, R. (2014, April). Physiological Psychology.   Palm Bay Psychology Research Conference, Palm Bay, Florida.

Wilson, J., Whitten, S., Iula, V., Wells, R., Esposito, M., et al. (2014, April). Looking into an Open Mind: The relationship between Creativity and Figurative Language Use.   Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Orlando, Florida.

Wylie, B. K., Cooper, T., Reeves, D., Baker, A., & Mouloua, M. (2014, April). An Exploration of the Effect of Media Bias on Individual Jurors’ Predetermination of Guilt.   University of Central Florida Showcase of Undergraduate Research, Orlando, Florida.

Wylie, B. K., Cooper, T., Reeves, D., Baker, A., & Mouloua, M. (2014, April). An Exploration of the Effect of Media Bias on Individual Jurors’ Predetermination of Guilt.   University of Central Florida Showcase of Undergraduate Research, Orlando, Florida.


Averhart-Preston, V. & Pace, V. L. (2013, August). Examining the influence of age conceptualization within a work context.   American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Bedwell, J. S., Chan, C. C., Cohen, O., Karbi, Y., Shamir, E., Rassovsky, Y. (2013). The magnocellular visual pathway and facial emotion misattribution errors in schizophrenia.   68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Scoiety of Biological Psychiatry., San Francisco, California.

Beidel, D. & Mesa, F. (2013). Quality of life among OEF/OIF veterans with PTSD.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Beidel, D. (2013). Trauma Management Therapy for OEF and OIF combat veterans.   Military Health System Research Symposium., Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Beidel, D. (2013). When parents go to war: Psychological adjustment among the families of deployed OEF/OIF service members.   Military Health System Research Symposium., Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Beidel, D., DeLosReyes, A., & Bunnell, B. (2013). Informant discrepancies in adult social anxiety disorder assessments: Links with contextual variations in observed behavior.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Beidel, D., Spitalnick, J. S., & Sarver, N. (2013, November). Virtual environments for the treatment of social anxiety disorder in children.   Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Nashville, Tennessee.

Beidel, D., Spitalnick, J., & Sarver, N. (2013). Virtual environments for the treatment of social anxiety disorder in children.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Bowers, C. & Wiggins, T. (2013). Building a Dream Team: Guidelines for Dispatcher Team Training.   Navigator 2013, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Bunnell, B., Beidel, D., & Mesa, F. (2013). Attention training for social phobia: Does it change social behavior?   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Bunnell, B., Beidel, D., & Mirza, Z. (2013). Qualitative aspects of social interactions in social anxiety disorder.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Carges, E. S. & Negy, C. (2014). Effects of viewing sexually explicit materials on men’s body image satisfaction.   114th annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC., DC, District of Columbia.

De Los Reyes, A. (2014, November). Informant discrepancies in adult social anxiety disorder assessments: Links with contextual variations in observed behavior.   Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Nashville, Tennessee.

Fok, A. W., Procci, K., Flynn, J. R., & Mouloua, M. (2014, February). The effects of mental model conformity on usability in apps.   Webinar Session Presentation at Ford Motor Company., Detroit, Illinois.

Funke, G., Walker, J. A., Diaz, D., Sawyer, B. D., Finomore, V., P A Hancock (2014). Can you think through the boredom? An examination of executive functioning in cybernetic vigilance tasks.   7th Annual Embry-Riddle University Human Factors and Applied Psychology Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida.

Hughes, A., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P., & Szalma, J. (2013). What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? A study of appraisal and performance in trauma.   57th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Soceity, San Diego, California.

Janowsky, A. (2014, January). Peer-review as a means for maintaining quality in large online courses.   National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, Florida.

Kolomeyer, E. G., Orban, S. A., Friedman, L. M., Rapport, M. D., & Kofler, M. J. (2014). Learning and Delayed Memory in Children with ADHD: A Meta-Analytic Review.   American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC, District of Columbia.

Kreutzer, C., Guler, J., & Mouloua, M. (2014, August). A reexamination of attitudes towards gay and lesbian adoption.   American Psychological Association Convention, Washington D.C., District of Columbia.

Kreutzer, C., Guler, J., & Mouloua, M. (2014, May). Attitudes Towards Gay and Lesbian Adoption: A potential shift.   Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Convention, San Francisco, California.

Lacefield, K., Negy, C., Kuhlman, C., & Gooch, R. (2014). A meta-analytic examination of behavioral and psychosocial risk correlates in HIV-non-diagnosed MSM.   114th annual conference of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC., DC, District of Columbia.

Lindner, D. & Tantleff-Dunn, S. (2013, November). Autonomy as a potential protective factor against the development of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Lowell, A., Renk, K., & Puff, J. (2013). Relationships among temperament, attachment, and emotional and behavioral functioning.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Marcus, J. & Fritzsche, B. (2014, August). One size doesn’t fit all: Toward a theory on the intersectional salience of ageism at work.   Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

McSwiggan, M., Renk, K., Lauer, B., Puff, J., Lowell, A., Annelise Cunningham (2014). Child temperament and parent ratings of children’s emotional and behavioral problems: Do parenting behaviors make a difference?   Zero to Three’s 29th National Training Institute, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

McSwiggan, M., Renk, K., Lauer, B., Puff, J., Lowell, A., Annelise Cunningham (2014). The mediating role of attachment in the relationship between differential parenting and parents’ ratings of their children.   Zero to Three’s 29th National Training Institute, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

McSwiggan, M., Renk, K., Puff, J., & Lowell, A. (2013). Examination of potential covariates in preschool teachers’ ratings of students.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Mottarella, K. & Fritzsche, B. (2014, January). Today’s excuse making among college students: The dog ate my computer.   National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Mottarella, K. & Fritzsche, B. A. (2014, January). Today’s excuse making among college students: The dog ate my computer.   National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, Orlando, Florida.

Mottarella, K. & Michelson, S. E. (2013, October). Personality type and investor risk preferences.   Academy of Financial Services Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.

Najle, M. B., Sims, V. K., Kent, T. M., Chin, M. G., Cash, M., Anne M. Sinatra (2013, May). Belief in god as a predictor of memory representations of the terms atheist, Christian, and student.   Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Convention, Washington, District of Columbia.

Niederman, E., Siler, J., Sawyer, B. D., & Hancock, P. (2014). Texting with your own phone does not improve driving performance.   60th Annual Meetin of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Nashville, Tennessee.

Puff, J., Renk, K., McSwiggan, M., & Lowell, A. (2013). Relationships among preschool classroom characteristics and teachers’ ratings.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Ragsdale, K., Stout, J., & Beidel, D. (2013). The impact of traumatic brain injury on PTSD in military personnel.   Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.

Sim, V. K., Najle, M. B., Kent, T. M., & Chin, M. G. (2013, May). Atheists and non-believers are viewed differently depending upon intrinsic religion and proposed group membership.   Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Convention, Washington, District of Columbia.

Sinatra, A., Sims, V., Bailey, S., & Najle, M. (2013). Differences in the Performance of Older and Younger Adults in a Synthetic Speech Dichotic Listening Task.   Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, California.

Tantleff-Dunn, S., Jensen, B. J., Waesche, J., Berman, S. L., Levermore, M., & Fouty, H. E. (2014, March). Clinicians and counselors: Differentating clinical psychology and counselor education programs.   Council of Applied Master’s Programs in Psychology Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.

Walker, J., McPeak, B., Perkins, S., Fishburn, D., Tungate, A., S. Stafford, BD Sawyer, PA Hancock (2014). Event labeling in the context of weapon discrimination.   60th Annual Meetin of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Nashville, Tennessee.

Wixon, T., Schaefer, K., Chen, J., & Hancock, P. (2014). The influence of modality and transparency on trust in human-robot interaction.   IEEE CogSIMA, San Antonio, Texas.


Dumessa, L., Asberg, K., Renk, K., & Tippett, J. (2014). Coping with child sexual abuse: Does it predict revictimization experiences?   Southeastern Psychological Association, Nashville, Tennessee.

Hancock, G. & Szalma, J. L. (2014, April). Battle of the books: Attitudes and preferences regarding use of e-reader technology versus traditional books.   Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida.

Hancock, G. M. & Szalma, J. L. (2014, April). Investigation of static versus dynamic stimulus presentation in vigilance performance.   Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida.

Katt, J. A., Pigg, S., Janowsky, A., Brown, T., & Owens, L. H. (2014). A Survey of Usage and Efficacy of Instructional Technology in Higher Education.   105th Annual Eastern Communication Association Convention, Providence, Rhode Island.

Kreutzer, C., Guler, J., & Mouloua, M. (2014, March). Attitudes Towards Gay and Lesbian Adoption.   Southeastern Psychological Association’s Annual Convention, Nashville, Tennessee.

Mills, R. & Tantleff-Dunn, S. (2014, March). Predicting Dyadic Adjustment and Parenting Stress in Parents of Multiple Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.   Southeastern Psychological Association, Nashville, Tennessee.

Ratner, K. & Berman, S. (2014, March). Identity development in adults with autistic features.   Southeastern Psychological Association’s Annual Convention, Nashville, Tennessee.

Tantleff-Dunn, S., Jensen, B. J., Waesche, J., Berman, S., Levermore, M., Fouty, E. (2014, March). Clinicians and Counselors: Differentiating Clinical Psychology and Counselor Education Programs.   Council of Applied Master’s Programs in Psychology Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.

Thompson, K. & Janowsky, A. (2014, April). Making the most of ‘those darn green check marks!’.   Canvas Florida Users Group, New Port Richey, Florida.

Wylie, B. K., Cooper, T., Reeves, D., Baker, A., & Mouloua, M. (2014, March). An Exploration of the Effect of Media Bias on Individual Jurors’ Predetermination of Guilt.   Southeastern Psychological Association’s Annual Convention, Nashville, Tennessee.


Boris, N. W. & Renk, K. (2013). Integration of an attachment-based parenting intervention for rebuilding parent-young child relationships following substance misuse into community-based services: Making connections, challenges, and hopes for the future.   Child Protection Summit 2013 of the Florida Department of Children and Families, Orlando, Florida.

Doyle, J. C. & Whitten, S. (2014, February). Exploring relationships among personality traits and nontechnical skills in college students,.   Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Miami, Florida.

Guler, J., Kreutzer, J., & Mouloua, M. (2014, March). A Potential Shift in Perceptions of Homosexual Adoption Practices.   Undergraduate Research Conference, Miami, Florida.

Kreutzer, C., Guler, J., Jang, D., & Mouloua, M. (2014, March). Attitudes Towards Gay and Lesbian Adoption.   Undergraduate Research Conference, Miami, Florida.

Kreutzer, C., Guler, J., Jang, D., & Mouloua, M. (2014, March). Attitudes Towards Gay and Lesbian Adoption.   Undergraduate Research Conference, Miami, Florida.

Leyva, K., Stader, S., Leavens, J., & Mouloua, M. (2014). Usability comparisons of three tasks in two versions of the MATB.   Human Factors & Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida.

MaCarthur, K. R., Fund, I. S., Siler, J. B., Hancock, G. M., & Mouloua, M. (2014, March). Validating the Continuum Mysteriosum.   Undergraduate Research Conference, Miami, Florida.

Mottarella, K. (2013). Exploration of personality variables and undergraduate students’ attitudes about plagiarism.   Florida Statewide Symposium on Faculty Engagement in Undergraduate Research, Orlando, Florida.

Nelson, B., Vanella, A., Sanders, S., Christivich, C., & Antler, M. (2013). The Language of a Creative Mind: Exploring the Relationship between Creativity and Lexical Choice.   Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence, Gainesville, Florida.

Sanders, S. & Whitten, S. (2014). Exploring the Linguistic Styles of Students with A Propensity For Alcoholism And Students With Symptoms of Depression.   Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Miami, Florida.

Shahnami, C., Hendersen, M., & Mouloua, M. (2014, March). The Relationship between Self Esteem and Body Image among College Students.   Undergraduate Research Conference, Miami, Florida.

Vanella, A. & Whitten, S. (2014). The Label of Madness: The Effects of Career Choice and Gender on Perceptions of Mental Illness.   Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Miami, Florida.

Wilson, J., Whitten, S., Wells, R., Iula, V., & Esposito, M. (2014). Looking into an Open Mind: The relationship between Creativity and Figurative Language Use.   Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC), Miami, Florida.

Wylie, B. K., Cooper, T., Reeves, D., Baker, A., & Mouloua, M. (2014, February). An Exploration of the Effect of Media Bias on Individual Jurors’ Predetermination of Guilt.   Undergraduate Research Conference, Miami, Florida