
Dr. Lisa G. Chambers

Principle Investigator, Associate Professor
Ph.D., Soil and Water Science, University of Florida
M.S., Oceanography and Coastal Science, Louisiana State University
B.S., Natural Resources, Ohio State University

Research interests: Biogeochemical cycling of elements (mainly N, P, and C) in wetlands, riparian areas, and coastal ecosystems; understanding the link between soil microbial ecology and ecosystem function; accessing the impacts of disturbance (sea level rise, urbanization, eutrophication, restoration) on biogeochemical ecosystem functions and services.

Anthony Mirabito

Ph.D. Candidate, Integrative and Conservation Biology
B.S., Biology and Environmental Science, Iowa State University

Dissertation Topic: Investigating the physical, molecular, and biogeochemical properties of buried soil organic matter in mangrove wetlands to better the understand the mechanisms leading to persistence.

UCF Publications:
Mirabito and Chambers, 2023

Mumtahina Riza

Ph.D. Student, Integrative and Conservation Biology
M.S., Biology, North Carolina State University
M.S., Environmental Science and Management, Bangladesh University of Professionals
B.S.,Textile Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles
Personal Website:

Dissertation Topic:Investigation of the mineral-associated organic matter in the cultivated Histosols of the Everglades Agricultural Area to optimize carbon stabilization for regulating climate-influencing carbon emissions and sustainable agriculture.

Mercedes Marián Pinzón Delgado

Ph.D. Student, Integrative and Conservation Biology
M.S. Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University
B.S., Coastal Environmental Science, Louisiana State University

Dissertation Topic: Investigating the individual and interactive effects of drivers of environmental change, such as N enrichment, sea level rise, and winter freeze regimes, to better understand the northward migration of mangroves with implications for the formation of mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) that sustains coastal wetlands in the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (Part of the WETFEET project).

Jennifer Volk

M.S. Student, Biology
B.S., Biology, University of Central Florida

Thesis Topic: Investigating the biogeochemical properties in soil from stable and unstable marshes at the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (Part of the Roots & Rakes project).



Naija Cheek

Lab Manager & Research Assistant
B.S., Biology, University of Central Florida

Research Interests: The intersection of microbiology and biogeochemistry




Katherine Johnsen

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Biology major (Marine and Aquatic track)

Research Interests: Degradation of Microplastics in Wetland Environments





Gabriel Pereira

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Molecular Microbiology major

Research Interests: Microorganisms in the environment; how microplastics and waste impact wetland carbon storage



Megan Jensik

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Biology major

Research Interests: Nutrient cycling in wetland soils




Nicole Boisson

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Environmental Science and Political Science major

Research Interests: investigating the  biogeochemical properties found in oyster reefs




Rachel Martella

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Environmental Science, science track major

Research Interests: anthropological impact on soil chemistry in freshwater systems




Jesus Villavisanis

Undergraduate Research Assistant






Keri Pollock

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Environmental Science, science track major

Research Interests: how the changing environment impacts wetland soils




Nathan Swinburne

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Environmental Studies major, science track

Research Interests: Wetland water quality and conservation ecology; municipal water quality and human health; groundwater and soil pollution. 



 Lab Alumni

Chelsea Nitsch 

M.S. Student, Biology
B.S., Biology, University of Central Florida

Thesis Topic: Ecosystem Services of Soils: how can native soil properties and bioabsoprtion media be used to enhance nutrient removal in stormwater basins?

UCF Publications:
Nitsch et al., 2021

Now a Head Technician in the Global Change Ecology Lab, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

Nathaniel Spicer

ABL Lab Manager (2022)
B.S., Earth and Environmental Systems/Conservation Biology, University of Toronto

Research Interests: Identifying the optimal conditions to promote mineral-associated organic matter formation in wetland soils

Now a PhD Student at the University of Maryland


Sarah Harttung

M.S., Biology, University of Central Florida (2021)
B.S., Michigan Technological University

Thesis: Subtropical coastal wetlands in the Anthropocene: soil biogeochemical relationships with vegetation transition and saltwater intrusion

UCF Publications:
Harttung et al., 2021

Now a Natural Resource Officer for Seminole County Parks, FL

Paul Boudreau

M.S., Biology, University of Central Florida (2021)
B.S., Biology, University of Central Florida

Thesis: Organic matter reduction via periodic water-level drawdown in a constructed treatment wetland cell of the Orlando Easterly Wetlands




David Yannick

Lab Manager & Research Assistant (2020-2021)
B.S., Environmental Studies, Statistics minor, University of Central Florida (2021)

Independent Research Project: Sulfate and Organic Matter: A Toxic Relationship in Freshwater Wetlands?

OUR Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship recipient

Now a M.S. student at University of Alabama

Dr. HavalHavalendend E. Steinmuller

Ph.D., Conservation Biology, University of Central Florida (2019)
M.S., Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University
B.S., Coastal Environmental Science, Louisiana State University

UCF Publications:
Steinmuller et al., 2020a
Steinmuller et. al., 2020b
Steinmuller et. al., 2019b
Steimuller and Chambers, 2019
Steinmuller et. al., 2019a
Steinmuller and Chambers, 2018

Now a Senior Marine Scientist at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and an Assistant Professor at the University of South Alabama.

Nia Hurst

ABL Lab Manager and Research Assistant (2017-2019)

UCF Publications:
Hurst et al., 2022

Now a Research Biologist at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands and Coastal Ecology Branch of the Engineer Research and Development Center


Dr. Joshua Breithaupt

ABL Postdoctoral Scholar (2017-2019)

UCF Publications:
Breithaupt et al., 2020
Breithaupt et al., 2019a
Breithaupt et al., 2019b

Now a Research Faculty at Florida State Coastal & Marine Laboratory



Bryan Locher

M.S. Biology, University of Central Florida (2019)

UCF Publications:
Locher et al., 2020
Thesis: Understanding Sediment Biogeochemistry and the Role of Juvenile Oysters on Recently Restored Eastern Oyster Reefs

Now a contractor at Environmental Quality, Inc.

Janet Ho

M.S., Biology, University of Central Florida (2018)

UCF Publications:
Thesis: Characterizing Biogeochemical Shifts in Two Salix Caroliniana Michx. Encroached Freshwater Subtropical Marshes
Ho and Chambers, 2020
Ho and Chambers, 2018
Ho et al., 2018


Jennifer Bennett

B.S., Environmental Studies, University of Central Florida (2019)

Independent research project: Identifying relationships between soil carbon storage and vegetation community in an urbanized landscape.

OUR Student Research Grant recipient

Media coverage:
UCF Biologist Hunt for Hidden Carbon
Carbon in the Soil

UCF Publications:
Bennett and Chambers, 2023

 Kyle Dittmer

B.S., Environmental Science, University of Central Florida (2017)

UCF Publications:
Dittmer et. al., 2018

Now a MS student at University of Vermont