The Aquatic Biogeochemistry Lab is a state-of-the-art facility located on the 4th floor of the Biological Sciences Building on UCF’s main campus in east Orlando. We are well equipped to conduct chemical, physical, and basic microbial analyses of environmental samples, with a focus on soil, sediment, water, and plant tissue analysis.
- Seal AQ2 Discrete Water Quality Analyzer
- Pipettes, analytical balances (3), and benchtop probes
- Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer
- Shimadzu 2014 Greenhouse Gas Chromatograph (GC)
- Thermo drying oven
- Elementar VarioMicro CN Analyzer
- YSI Water Qualilty Multiprobe
- Muffle furnace
- Micro-analytical balance
- LiCor 8100A Infrared Gas Analyzer
- BioTek Synergy HTX plate reader
- Spex Ball Mill/Mixer
- Full water filtration station
- New Brunswick incubated/refigerated shaker
- 18ft Carolina Skiff
We also have access to a variety of shared resources. The Biology Field Research Building on campus is a 4,500+ sq. ft. space equipped with two 1,000 sq. ft greenhouses and experimental ponds where we can process samples, store field equipment, and set-up larger-scale experiments. The Genomics Core Lab includes instrumentation for DNA quantification and amplification. We also are part of the Biology vehicle pool and have a variety of kayaks and a Jon boat to access field sites.