Daily rhythms and enrichment patterns in the transcriptome of the behavior-manipulating parasite Ophiocordyceps kimflemingiae

Clustered heatmaps displaying day and night activity data for two sets of subjects. Blue indicates lower activity, yellow indicates higher activity. Rows represent subjects, columns represent time points.

In our newest publication, published in PLOS ONE, we show that the zombie ant fungus Ophiocordyceps kimflemingiae has a functional biological clock and that this results in the oscillation of a whole suite of genes. Interestingly, certain genes are mainly expressed during the daytime, while others are active during the nighttime.

UCF’s College of Science News wrote a short piece about it. This work was also mentioned by Gizmodo and C-Net.com, which covered the latest publication in PNAS from our colleagues from the Hughes Lab at Penn State.