Spring 2025, Central Florida Math Circle

Registration (Registration will open in November. Please contact Dr. Kwon for inquiries.)

Further updates will be posted on X.com.

Mrs. Julia Keith, Mrs. Abigail Ruiz, and Ms. Laura Pimentel from Orange County Public Schools will lead the opening session with 'Mathematical Mysteries: A Logic and Puzzle Adventure' on 1/27. They are teachers and Noyce Fellows in the EdD program at UCF. ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ“š #UCF #NoyceFellows

Our Ph.D. program graduate students, Ms. Kacie Kulenguski and Mr. Michael Lafferty (for Grade 6), Mr. Kenneth Thuleweit (for Grade 7&8), and Mr. Bryan Ducasse (for the Advanced Group), are excited to welcome you to UCF next week on 1/27.

Central Florida Math Circle will return on January 27th.
If you haven't received my email confirming your registration, please send a direct message to me. I will send e-mails to the participants with further details later this week.

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If you have any inquiries, then please contact Dr. Michelle Kwon at Seongchun.Kwon@ucf.edu

The Central Florida Math Circle is an effort of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Central Florida to offer the middle school students of the Central Florida region an opportunity to have fun with mathematics.

The Math Circle is not directed towards a particular curriculum; it is not a class, a lecture or a tutorial. It is a directed experience in the encouragement of student discovery of mathematics. We are happy to be part of a national effort โ€œThe National Association of Math Circlesโ€ to encourage and develop mathematical insight in students.

Our Sessions

All sessions are guided by math faculties, regional teachers, educators, and graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Central Florida. Each session consists of two parts. In the first part of each session (2:00 pm โ€“ 3:30 pm), faculty members will give talks on the intriguing topics of mathematics or lead mathematical explorations. In the second part of each session (3:30 pm โ€“ 4:30 pm), students will be engaged in problem-solving and discussion activities with the curriculum-related enrichment topics which will sharpen their understanding of the curriculum-related materials.

Tentative/Confirmed Speakers:

Dr. Julia Keith, Dr. Abi Ruiz, Dr. Shane Wiggan, Dr. Joslyn Vilabrera, Dr. Nisha Philp Malahoo, and Mrs. Sabrina Robinson from Orange County Public Schools,

Mrs. Mary Ellen Freeman (former mathematics teacher and now a lead writer for Math Nation)

Dr. Alexander Tobvis, and Dr. Ram Mohapatra

SessionDateSpeakerTitle of the talk
1January 25TBATBA
2February 1TBATBA
3February 8TBATBA
4February 15TBATBA
5February 22TBATBA
6March 1TBATBA

What should students bring?

Students will bring a notebook and pencils. Students will come with a desire to see mathematics differently.

Faculty Team


Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021,   Spring 2020,  Spring 2019,  Fall 2018,  Spring 2018