The Seventh Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications

The  seventh Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications will held with mixed mode at Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, December 16-18, 2022.

Hangzhou is the capital and most populous city of Zhejiang Province in east China and is about 100 miles from Shanghai. The city’s West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is amongst its best-known attraction. Hangzhou is an emerging technology hub and home to the e-commerce giant Alibaba. It hosted the eleventh G-20 summit in 2016.   Enjoy the beauty of Hangzhou, China

Purpose of this annual event is to create a platform to exchange ideas on harmonic analysis and applications, especially for young mathematician.

The first Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 24-25, 2016 with about 50 participants,  the second Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 16-17, 2017 with about 70 participants,   the third Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 15-16, 2018 with about  65 participants,  the fourth Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December  14 and 15, 2019 with about  80 participants,  the fifth Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 18-20, 2020 with  mixed mode, physically or virtually, and the sixth Hangzhou workshop was held virtually with 12 speakers around the world.

If you like to participant the workshop (and give a talk), please contact  Professors Taotao Zheng (, or  Qiquan Fang ( or Qiyu Sun (  as soon as possible.

We are expecting to arrange  virtual and in-person talks on Saturday, and also Sunday morning and in-person talks on Sunday afternoon.

Here is the announcement of the workshop (Chinese VersionEnglish Version)

Please find the brochure of the workshop (BrochureSeventhHangzhouWorkshop), the schedule of the work shop Program Schedule   and titles and abstracts of all talks Titles and abstract.

Here is the list of confirmed participants. (If you have response to the organizer (Drs. Zheng and Fan) and your name is not listed, please contact directly)

  1. 曹军 (Jing Cao), 浙江工业大学(Zhejiang University of Technology). Talk: Local Potential Operator and Uniform Resolvent Estimate for Generalized Schrodinger Operator in Orlicz Spaces,   17:00-17:40, December 17, 2022  (Session A)
  2. 陈鹏 (Peng Chen), 中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University). Talk: The Garnett-Jones theorem on BMO space associated with operators, 11:30-12:10, December 17, 2022.
  3. 谌稳固 (Wengu Chen), 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 ( Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics). Talk: Stable image reconstruction by TV type methods. 10:00-10:40, December 17,
  4. 陈艳萍 (Yanping Chen) 北京科技大学 (University of Science and Technology Beijing). Talk: Some properties of generalized singular integrals related to SQG equation. 10:45 -11:25, December 18, 2022
  5. 陈洋 (Yang Chen), 湖南师范大学 (Hunan Normal University)
  6. 成诚 (Cheng Cheng), 中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University).
  7. 范智杰 (Zhijie Fan), 武汉大学数学与统计数院 (Wuhan University). Talk: Recent progress on Schatten classes and Riesz transform commutators, December 17, 16:15-16:55, December 17 (Session B)
  8. 房启全(Qiquan Fang) 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology). Talk: The trilinear Stein-Weiss inequality with its optimal constants, 17:00-17:40, December 17, 2022 (Session B)
  9. 郭倩平 (Qianping Guo), 河南财经政法大学 (Henan University of Economics and Law)
  10. Yongsheng Han (Auburn University), Talk: Singular integrals and wavelet-type decomposition with applications to Littlewood-Paley theory and Hardy space in Dunkl setting. 8:30-9:10, December 17, 2022.
  11. 胡国恩(Guoen Hu) 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  12. 何少勇 (Shaoyong He), 湖州师范学院 (Huzhou University)
  13. 华波波 (Bobo Hua), 复旦大学 (Fudan University), Talk: Yamabe type equations on lattice graphs, 10:45-11:25, December 17, 2022
  14. 黄龙 (Long Huang),  广州大学 (Guangzhou University)
  15. 黄文涛(Wentao Huang), 中山大学数学学院(珠海)(Sun Yat-sen University)
  16. 蒋英春 (Yingchun Jiang), 桂林电子科技大学(Guilin University of Electronic Technology)
  17. 九加西 (Jiaxi Jiu), 西华大学 (Xihua University)
  18. Nguyen Lam (Memorial University of Newfoundland). Talk: Sharp uncertainty principles and their stability, 9:15-9:55, December 18, 2022
  19. Sanghyuk Lee (Seoul National University). Talk: Maximal function associated to space curves, 14:00–14:40, December 17, 2022 (Session A)
  20. 李波 (Bao Li), 嘉兴学院 (Jiaxing College)
  21. 李康伟(Kangwei Li), 天津大学(Tianjin University)
  22. 李霞 (Xia Li),  中北大学(North University of China)
  23. 李朋 (Peng Li), 兰州大学 (Lanzhou University). Talk: Dantzig Selector: Signal Recovery from Phaseless Measurements, 14:45-15:25, December 17, 2022 (Session B)
  24. 李伟 (Wei Li), 安徽理工大学 (Anhui University of Science and Technology)
  25. 李文娟 (Wenjuan Li),   西北工业大学 (Northwest Polytechnical University). Talk: Lp-improving bounds and weighted estimates for maximal functions associated with curvature, 14:45-15:25, December 17, 2022 (Session A)
  26. 李霞 (Xia Li), 中北大学 (North University of China)
  27. 李亚玲(Yaling Li) 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  28. 李亚旭 (Yaxu Li),  杭州师范大学 (Hangzhou Normal University). Talk: Sampling and reconstruction in reproducing kernel spaces with mixed norm, 15:30-16:10, December 17, 2022 (Session B)
  29. 李尤发 (Youfan Li), 广西大学 (Guanxi University)
  30. 李云章 (Yunzhang Li), 北京工业大学(Beijing University of Technology)
  31. 李中凯(Zhongkai Li) 上海师范大学(Shanghai Normal University. Talk: Area integrals and maximal functions associated with the Dunkl operators, 9:15-9:55, December 17, 2022.
  32. 廉巧芳 (Qiaofang Lian), 北京交通大学 (Beijing Jiaotong University)
  33. 刘蓓 (Bei Liu),  天津理工大学 (Tianjin University of Technology)
  34. 刘风 (Feng Liu), 山东科技大学 (Shandong University of Science and Technology). Talk: Regularity properties of maximal commutator and its fractional variant, 16:15–16:55, December 18, 2022.
  35. 刘锐 (Riu Liu), 南开大学 (Nankai University)
  36. 刘荣辉(Ronghui Liu), 西北师范大学(Northwest Normal University)
  37. 刘宇 (Yi Liu), 北京科技大学 (University of Science and Technology Beijing). Talk: Boundedness of fractional heat semigroups generated by degenerate Schrodinger operator, 14:00-14:40, December 18, 2022.
  38. 逯光辉 (Guanghui Lu), 西北师范大学 (Northwest Normal University)
  39. Guozhen Lu (University of Connecticut). Talk Stability of some geometric and  functional inequalities, 8:30-9:10, December 18, 2022
  40. 阮卓娉  (Zhuoping Ruan),  南京大学 (Nanjing University). Talk: Elliptic boundary problems for edge-degenerate pseudodifferential operators, 15:30-16:10, December 18, 2022.
  41. 沈守枫 (Shoufeng Shen), 浙江工业大学 (Zhejiang University of Technology)
  42. 孙颀彧(Qiyu Sun) 中弗罗里达大学(University of Central Florida)
  43. 孙文昌 (Wenchang Sun), 南开大学  (Nankai University)
  44. 檀健 ( Jian Tan),  南京邮电大学 (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
  45. 陶双平(Shuangping Tao), 西北师范大学 (Northwest Normal University)
  46. 陶祥兴(Xiangxing Tao) 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  47. 王松柏 (SongBai Wang), 重庆三峡学院 (Chongqing Three Gorges University). Talk: Endpoint estimate for a singular integral commutator, 17:00-17:40, December 18, 2022
  48. 温金明 (Jinming Wen)  暨南大学 (Jinan University)
  49. 吴迪(Di Wu) 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  50. 伍火熊 (Huoxiong Wu), 厦门大学 (Xiamen University)
  51. 吴新峰 (Xinfeng Wu), 中国矿业大学(北京)(China University of Mining and Technology). Talk: Wavelet Characterizations of Operator-Valued Hardy Spaces, 16:15-16:55, December 17, 2022 (Session A)
  52. 肖伟梁 (Weiliang Xiao), 南京财经大学 (Nanjing University Of Finance & Economics)
  53. 徐娇 (Jiao Xu), 兰州大学 (Lanzhou University)
  54. 许志强 (Zhiqiang Xu),  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 (Chinese Academy of Science)
  55. 徐孜立 (Zili Xu), 香港科技大学 (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). Talk: The minimizers of the p-frame potential, 14:00-14:40, December 17, 2022 (Session B)
  56. 薛庆营 (Qingying Xue), 北京师范大学 (Beijing Normal University). Talk: On the boundedness of multilinear pseudo-differential operators, 1000-10:40, December 18, 2022
  57. 颜立新 (Lixin Yan), 中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)
  58. 姚宪忠 (Xuanzhong Yao), 山西财经大学 (Shanxi University of Finance and Economics)
  59. 杨奇祥(Qixiang Yang),  武汉大学(Wuhan University). Talk: Triple non-linear structure and Marcinkiewicz theorem,  15:30-16:10, December 13, 2022 (Session A)
  60. 杨沿奇(Yanqi Yang), 西北师范大学 (Northwest Normal University)
  61. 姚宪忠 (Xianzhong Yao), 山西财经大学 (Shanxi University of Finance and Economics)
  62. 余玉峰 (Yufeng Yu) 山西师范大学 (Shanxi Normal University)
  63. 袁文 (Wen Yuan), 北京师范大学 (Beijing Normal University)
  64. 张庆月 (Qingyue Zhang), 天津理工大学 (Tianjin University of Technology)
  65. 张艳丹 (Yandan Zhang), 青岛科技大学 (Qingdao University of Science and Technology)
  66. 张阳阳 (Yangyang Zhang), 北京师范大学 (Beijing Normal University).  Talk: The endpoint theory of fractional ball Banach Sobolev spaces, 14:45-15:25, December 18, 2022.
  67. 张超 (Zao Zhang),  浙江工商大学(Zhejiang Gongshang University)
  68. 赵俊燕 (Jinyan Zhao) 浙江师范大学 (Zhejiang Normal University)
  69. 郑聪 (Cong Zheng), 中弗罗里达大学(University of Central Florida)
  70. 郑涛涛 (Taotao Zheng), 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology). Talk: Weighted estimates for product singular integral operators in Journe’s class on RD-spaces, 11:30-12:10, December 18, 2022
  71. 周疆 (Jiang Zhou), 新疆大学(Xinjiang University). Talk: TBA
  72. 庄智涛(Zhitao Zhuang)华北水利水电大学 (North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power)
  73. 周永亮  (Yongliang Zhou), 哈尔滨工程大学数学科学学院 (Harbin Engineering University). Talk: The trilinear Stein-Weiss inequality with its optimal constants, 17:45-18:25, December 18, 2022.
  74. 冯帅军, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  75. 黄友海, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  76. 康亚婵, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  77. 李子燕, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  78. 梁融, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  79. 林智玉, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  80. 沈芸瞻, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  81. 王丹丹, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  82. 肖燕梅, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  83. 陈岩, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  84. 刘士豪, 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)

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