IC CAE Speaker Series Recap

UID IntellCommAcadExcell KG 874On February 4th, UCF’s Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) hosted the first installment of its speaker series, “A Look at Intelligence Agencies”, and approximately 130 students were in attendance. Four members of the intelligence community were invited to speak about their experiences. The four agencies represented were the Defense Intelligence Agency, the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, the Energy Department’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, and the Central Intelligence Agency. The speakers talked about how they became involved in intelligence, how their respective agencies interact with others in the intelligence community, what a typical workday involves, what their agencies look for in job applicants, and what prospective candidates can expect from the security clearance process.

As each representative described the similarities and differences of their agencies, they agreed on many of the same tips for students looking for a career in the intelligence community: Invest in critical thinking and writing skills; no matter what job you are after in intelligence the ability to write quickly and succinctly is essential. Gain in-depth international experience with study abroad and language immersion semesters. Attend career fairs when you can, and there are also virtual career fairs offered for the intelligence community a few times a year. They also explained that an internship with an intelligence agency is not your only option to get experience in that field. Private contractors associated with the intelligence community also offer internships and jobs. This type of knowledge and experience makes students competitive when applying for jobs in the intelligence community. Look for the next installment of the IC CAE Speaker Series in late March.

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