Gen Y grads more likely to launch start-ups

According to a 2012 report by the Kauffman Foundation, the largest entrepreneurial foundation in the U.S., 29.4% of entrepreneurs were 20 to 34 years old, and roughly 160,000 start-ups a month were led by Millennials in 2011. Even though 40% of 8- to 24-year-olds Kauffman polled say they would like to start a business, “There is a gap between aspirations and actually starting one,” said Nick Seguin, the foundation’s manager for entrepreneurship.

USA TODAY recently wrote a story profiling young entrepreneurs, all under the age of 30, whose businesses have reached the two-year mark, which is considered a milestone for any start-up. One of the three people profiled is Lauren Berger, a UCF Communication graduate who started her own business while still in school.

Not all young entrepreneurs have an academic business background. Lauren Berger, 27, who calls herself the “Intern Queen,” launched the foundation for her start-up while she was a communications major at the University of Central Florida.

“I originally struggled to find resources about internships,” Berger said, so she established, a website designed to help students in similar situations. After completing 15 — yes, 15 — internships as an undergraduate, Berger has a wealth of information to share.

You can read the full piece here.


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