Biology professor writes book on Southeastern grasslands

Conservationist, author and UCF Biology professor Reed Noss recently visited several of the S.C. Department of Natural Resources’ heritage preserves and wildlife management areas to gather information for his book on grasslands of the Southeastern United States.

Noss, an internationally acclaimed conservation biologist, is travelling throughout the region, and is especially interested in South Carolina’s piedmont prairies and longleaf pine savannas.

The book title is “Forgotten Grasslands of the South: Natural History and Conservation.” It is scheduled for release by Island Press in Fall 2012. The foreword to the book is by noted ecologist Edward O. Wilson.

Noss visited Rock Hill Blackjacks Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management area to see what was once an open landscape vegetated in plants more typical of the tallgrass prairies of the Midwest than of the Carolinas.

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