NSC grad live streams from race car

Nicholson School of Communication Graduate and Virgin sportscar driver Shea Holbrook became the first and only Pirelli World Challenge driver to stream live video from the cockpit during all on-track sessions at the Mid Ohio Sportscar Challenge, which was held earlier this month. 

Fans were able to experience what it is like to be in the passenger seat with Holbrook as she pilots her TrueCar Racing No. 67 Honda Civic Si. The Shea Racing team streamed in-car video in real time using Livestream, which allows viewing of a live broadcast via the web or smart phone.

“We are so pleased to empower our fans with the ability to interact with us throughout the race weekend,” said Holbrook. “Being the first team in the Series to provide the free Livestream account is also very exciting for us. This technology is just one more way that we enable our fans to experience all of the on-track action and truly become a member of the TrueCar/Shea Racing Team.”

Shea became the first women to ever win a Pirelli World Challenge Touring Car race in 2011 winning the Long Beach Grand Prix along with winning Best Standing Start and the Hard Charger Award. Shea received her Bachelor’s Degree in Interpersonal and Organizational Communications/Marketing from the University of Central Florida in May of 2012.

Read more about Shea Holbrook by clicking here.

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