Event: Political strategists and former White House aides come to UCF

The UCF Global Perspectives Office is pleased to announce that political strategists and former White House aides, Doug McMarlin and Jason Recher, will speak Tuesday, September 4, 2012, at the University of Central Florida.

McMarlin and Recher will give a presentation entitled “In the Face of Crisis: Lessons for Political Leaders” at 3 p.m. in the Cape Florida Ballroom of the Student Union. The event, organized by the UCF Global Perspectives Office, is part of the 2012-2013 theme of “The Changing Face of Freedom in Today’s Turbulent Times.” It is free and open to the public.

McMarlin and Recher have served as advisors to many of the nation’s most prominent officials, including President George W. Bush, Senator John McCain and Sarah Palin. Together, they operate NorthStar Strategies, LLC, where they work to create major media and political strategy campaigns, implement national best-selling tours and perform other functions.

In Fall 2008, Recher was named a Senior Advisor to then-Governor Sarah Palin and took a leave of absence from the White House to join the McCain for President Campaign. McMarlin also served as a Senior Advisor to the former governor and SarahPAC during the 2010 mid-term elections, where he implemented successful national media initiatives and political and logistical strategy that resulted in significant 2010 election victories.

Together, Recher and McMarlin were responsible for the public rollout strategy for the two top-selling nonfiction books for 2009 and 2010: “Going Rogue – An American Life,” by Sarah Palin, and “Decision Points,” by George W. Bush. Both books reached the top three on the New York Times Bestseller List.

In addition to the Global Perspectives Office, sponsors and partners include UCF College Republicans, UCF Diplomacy Program, UCF Political Science Department, UCF LIFE, Lawrence J. Chastang and the Chastang Foundation, UCF Book Festival 2013 in association with the Morgridge International Reading Center and the Global Connections Foundation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 407-823-0688, or global@ucf.edu, or visit our website atwww.ucfglobalperspectives.org for further information.

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