Alumna is Nominated for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society 2014 Woman of the Year

Jaclyn HerbstJaclyn Herbst, ’13 graduated last May with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in criminal justice. The skills she developed from her psychology background have proven to be an asset in her new career as a financial advisor for National Life Group. She reminds us that understanding human behavior is not only based on emotional well being but safety and security that can be achieved through wise financial planning as well.

Jaclyn’s fortuitous introduction to her now mentor and friend, Kristina Olsen, led to her nomination for Women of the Year 2014. Olsen, a philanthropist and financial advisor for Merrill Lynch, received the honor of Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Woman of the Year, 2013. On a personal level, Jaclyn finds great satisfaction dedicating her time and energy to charitable organizations. On a professional level it allows her to meet and network with like minded colleagues.

Herbst is currently competing with five other women to raise the most money for the South Palm Beach County Leukemia and Lymphoma Society over the next 10-week period.

Although Jaclyn is excited to be nominated, this fundraising effort means much more to her than a title. With the money that is raised being dedicated to research she strives to be the difference today, not tomorrow.

Jaclyn shared with us the emotions that she felt upon meeting the children and their families and learning about their struggles. “These children have endured so much at such a young age and chose to look at all the positives. I admire them for their strength and am proud to be able to help make a difference in their future,” said Herbst.

The alumna spoke of some of her thoughts about this effort. “We’re all winners. No matter the outcome, every candidate has devoted themselves to a wonderful cause, that’s what matters.”

Herbst is supported by a strong team of young professionals. Her two campaign managers, Marisa Vinas, a medical student at Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, and Laura Grazioli, master’s of public health student at the University of Miami, are an indispensable part of the team and an iatrical part of its success.

This group effort has collaboratively developed numerous intriguing ways to obtain donations. Some of their plans include a Zumbathon, and a dinner party at an upscale Boca Raton restaurant. An auction is also in the works as many businesses have donated to this cause.

For anyone interested in becoming involved with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Man and Woman of the Year in the future, Herbst’s advice is simple. “Just ask. Go to the website and put your name in. They’re always looking for dedicated professionals to volunteer.”

To find out more about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the 2014 Woman of the Year, click here.

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