Aphasia Choir Fall Performance to be held Nov.30

The healing power of music will be on full display Friday when the Aphasia Choir performs 12 songs.

Aphasia describes the difficulty some people have speaking after a traumatic brain injury like a car wreck or a stroke. The physical challenges are frustrating, but aphasia also can cost folks their jobs and friends, leaving them without a sense of purpose or community, explains Megan Sherod, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist and director of the UCF Adaptive Community.

Friday’s 5 pm performance by the choir in the UCF School of Performing Arts represents people with aphasia regaining control of their circumstances.

“This shows that just because a person can’t speak well, they can be part of something really beautiful,” Sherod said. “A lot of people in the choir sang before their injury, and they’re really good. Now they’re part of a community again.”

The program includes a mix of classic tunes from John Denver and the Beatles, along with holiday favorites like Silent Night and White Christmas. The interdisciplinary team behind the choir includes Sony recording artist Andrew Rogers as musical director and Music Specialist Susan Glerum from UCF’s Theater Department.




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