Communication professor publishes book

UCF Communication Professor and Cocoa Author Paul V. Spampanato recently published his new book “Halo Again: A Journey in Communication Intelligence,” which you can purchase here. 

Amidst the deluge of relationship books and relationship experts, Paul Spampanato took a step out on a limb to provide a heartfelt, sometimes humorous, but very intuitive look at how and why our relationships often fail.

He bases his theory that Communication Intelligence needs to drive our relationships because the way that we communicate is based largely on the value we place on any given relationship.

In his book “Halo Again: A Journey in Communication Intelligence”, he developed this concept of Communication Intelligence by sharing the pitfalls of his own relationship, along with the lessons he learned both during, and following, his divorce.

The book outlines the four main characteristics that must exist in your relationship for it to thrive: Nurturing, Sharing, Encouraging and Working together. Structured together as a compass, NSEW, these concepts are illustrated from a communication perspective both verbal and non-verbal.

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