Congratulations to our newly NSC tenured faculty

Assistant professors are eligible to begin the process toward receiving promotion and tenure within their second year of employment. UCF, through its faculty, professional employees and administrators assess the employees’ potential for growth and scholarly contribution as well as past meritorious performance.

Tenure is a contractual right to expect employment and a tenured employee cannot be terminated without just cause. The decision to award tenure to an employee is based on meritorious performance and criteria established by UCF. Promotion and tenure take into account annual performance evaluations, needs of the department/college/university, contributions of the employee to their academic unit (program/department) school and the contributions the employee is expected tomake to the institution.

Faculty members that have been recently promoted to associate professor and received tenure include:
1.       Dr. JonathanMatusitz
2.       Dr. Ann Miller
3.       Dr. Kimberly Voss
4.       Dr. George Musambira

Here is a little background about each of them.

Jonathan Matusitz
Belgian-born Dr. Matusitz, Ph.D., has been teaching at the Nicholson School of Communication since 2006. He is a faculty member in the Interpersonal-Organizational Communication (I-O) program and regularly teaches organizational communication, intercultural communication, nonverbal communication, communication and human relations, communication research methods, conflict management and health communication. Dr. Matusitz also received a TIP award earlier this year.

Ann Miller
Dr. Ann Neville Miller is an associate professor in the Nicholson School of Communication with 15 years of experience teaching and researching in Africa. Dr. Miller has been a member of the NSC I-O faculty since 2008 and some of her teaching interests include communication research methods, intercultural communication, health communication, persuasion and interpersonal communication.

Kimberly Voss
Dr. Kimberly Voss was a journalism professor for five years at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville before coming to the University of Central Florida in 2008. Dr. Voss is currently the area coordinator for the journalism major and teaches courses in media law, journalism history, news reporting, public affairs reporting, and community & society (graduate level).

George Musambira
Dr. George Musambira joined the University of Central Florida in August 2006 after teaching at Western Kentucky University for over 10 years. His teaching interests are organizational communication, communication theory, international communication and intercultural communication.

Please congratulate them for this recognition and achievement.

Did professors in your department recently receive tenure? Let us know by emailing Jerriann at

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