COS graduate profiled on LA WEEKLY

Lauren Berger has gotten coffee at MTV. She’s gotten coffee at Fox. And yes, she’s done it at several other agencies that may not have as much brand recognition. She even broke the darned coffee pot once.

These days, the 28-year-old entrepreneur gets others to fetch the java for her. Her web-based business,, connects top-level companies with the cream of the college-student crop.

Sipping an iced coffee at a Studio City Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Berger is Sunday-casual chic in leggings, a gray sweater and a funky necklace as she explains what makes her worthy of her self-applied crown.

Like all good stories, it starts with a persistent mother.

“When I was a freshman, my mother called me — and you know I have that Jewish mother from Brooklyn, who calls a thousand times a day,” Berger says in a determined clip. “She said, ‘I’m watching The Today Show and they’re talking about internships.’ ‘Internship, internship, internship,’ that’s the line she used. She said you have to get an internship.”

Lauren Berger, a COS graduate, was recently featured on a popular website, LA WEEKLY. You can read the full piece here.

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