COS students new SGA leaders

Political science and English major Matthew McCann and political science and advertising/public relations major Adam Brock were ready to represent and serve UCF students when they were officially sworn in on May 10, 2011 as Student Government Association president and vice president respectively.

In 2008-09, both McCann and Brock began working together in the SGA judicial branch. Since then, they have each chaired or served on many committees, and now, they are working together again to redefine the UCF campus experience in the SGA executive branch.

SDES asked McCann-Brock what did their slogan “possibility redefined” meant to them. McCann responded, “We wanted to make sure when we came into this role to look at the opportunities that exist and relay that information to students. We then wanted to engage the student body, seeking their input so that we may work as a team to successfully accomplish all of the great opportunities students of the future will come to expect. There is no such thing as impossible when you are dealing with some of the brightest minds in academia.”

McCann-Brock would like to extend the concept of the All Knight Study and offer SGA services like express printing and ticket distribution. “Not only will it be an extension of All Knight Study but an extension of the SGA office in another area of campus that is highly trafficked,” said McCann.

Read more about the COS students here.

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