Honors societies welcomes new members

Earlier this year the Physics and Math Honors Societies both received new members during the Annual Induction Ceremony.

The societies welcomed the strongest math and physics students at UCF. In particular, the physics SPS chapter has been one of the top organizations in the nation consistently and currently helps the National parent society organize the 2012 Sigma Pi Sigma Congress, which will be held in Orlando.  As a result 1,000 top students from around the nation will visit UCF.

Both societies celebrated with a ceremony, informal discussion period and lunch. Besides the student inductees, Honorary Memberships were presented to Dr. Piotr Mikusinski and Dr. Debra Reinhart, who have supported the organizations and, in general, math and physics.

The awards to all inductees were presented by Dr. Michael Hampton, who has been one of our continuous supporters and is a past honorary member.


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