Indian Visitors Discuss Future Collaboration, Student Exchange Over Lunch

On May 13, the India Center welcomed Principal Binoy Joseph, Ph.D. and Vice Principal Fr. Saju Madavan, Ph.D. from the Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, in Kochi, India. Rajagiri College, located in the southwest state of Kerala in India, opened in 1955 with a social work certificate program.  It has grown to seven departments with 16 academic programs, including undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. programs.

The international visitors met with UCF faculty and staff to explore opportunities for future collaboration. During a luncheon meeting, Joseph and Madavan highlighted Rajagiri’s courses of study, research initiatives, international partnerships and community projects. They shared information on their psychology training, sustainability work, family violence research and statistics and data science program. Professor Florian Jentsch, Ph.D., chair of the UCF Department of Psychology, Assistant Professor Julia O’Connor, Ph.D., , School of Social Work, Assistant Professor Mitchell Hill, Ph.D., and director of the Data Mining Lab, Department of Statistics and Karen Solla, program coordinator of Global Perspectives and International Initiatives, participated in the discussion led by Pegasus Professor Kerstin Hamann, Ph.D., interim director of the India Center, and India Center Director of Public Affairs Leila Chacko.

“We had a fruitful discussion about shared interests with our visitors, and I am excited to explore potential areas of common interest and future collaborations between researchers at UCF and Rajagiri College, as well as explore opportunities for student exchanges,” Hamann said.

“We are energized about the possibilities for continued engagement with Rajagiri College as we strive to broaden the awareness and understanding of contemporary India through international partnerships,” Chacko added.

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