NSC staff integral part of leadership institute

Three members of the Nicholson School of Communication, Dr. Rufus Barfield, Dr. John Malala, and Ms. Kirsten Seitz, were integral in the planning and execution of University of Central Florida and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (UCF-ERAU) 2012 Leadership Institute, held earlier this year. Sponsored by the Offices of Diversity Initiatives for the University of Central Florida and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the planning and execution of the annual conference is the capstone project for the Leadership Enhancement Program class.

Themed “Empowering Leadership for a Global Society,” almost 200 professionals and students attended the Institute. Dr. Malala made a presentation titled “Leadership in Faculty Recruitment, Diversity andRetention.” Dr. Barfield worked with the Logistics Committee for the Institute, which focused on those details such as parking access, lunch availability, and appropriate seating, that are necessary to ensure a smoothly run Institute. Ms. Seitz worked with the Programming Committee, which secured local professionals to sit on panels which discussed leading on a global scale and leading as aminority. Each LEP Scholar prepared a poster presentation, highlighting his/her professional development goals for the year.

The Leadership Enhancement Program provides leadershipdevelopment opportunities for program scholars to gain career enhancing skills and leadership experiences in today’s changing educational environment. Women and racial and ethnic minority employees from UCF-ERAU are eligible to apply for the program. Scholars’ professional development is supplemented by monthly seminars, working with a mentor, and planning the Leadership Institute.

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