Psychology Community Says Farewell to Longtime Professor

The psychology community at UCF said goodbye last month to a professor who dedicated 31 years to teaching generations of students the intricacies of the mind.

Ed Rinalducci, Ph.D., whose tenure from 1986-2017 included roles as associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, program director of the applied experimental/human factors doctorate program and professor of psychology, died March 25 in Savannah, Georgia.  He was 83.

Colleagues in the Department of Psychology fondly remember his wry sense of humor.  Although it’s been three years since his departure from UCF, “we often remember him when a colleague makes a gaffe and someone invariably says ‘What would Ed say about this?” wrote psychology Professor Janan Smither, Ph.D., and Professor Mustapha Mouloua, Ph.D.

Rinalducci’s research interests revolved around perception and human factors, to include developing crash avoidance systems, driver distraction and aging and driving. His work was funded by government agencies like the U.S. Army Research Office, the Behavioral Sciences Directorate and the Department of Transportation.

AJ Range, an assistant vice president in Student Development and Enrollment Services, met Rinalducci about 10 years ago and was immediately impressed by his character. Range invited him to a Rotary meeting, and soon after sponsored him to become a member. The two shared a passion for UCF, and talked often about teaching and working with students.

“He was a very fine humanitarian and faithful to the club,” Range said.


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