UCF political scientist on Romney’s VP choice

Some Republicans had urged Romney to put caution aside in choosing a running mate and “go bold,” in the words of conservative commentator Bill Kristol.

They focused on Ryan or Rubio — one considered the party’s hottest rising star and the other a top emissary to Hispanics, a fast-growing voter group whose alienation from the GOP threatens the party’s future.

University of Central Florida political scientist Aubrey Jewett said Romney did a little of both. “It’s a cautiously bold choice,” Jewett joked.

Romney didn’t seek a demographic boost with a minority or female candidate, instead picking someone “well known as a policy guy,” Jewett said.

“It’s a little bit risky, but Ryan is someone most people would agree is capable of being president. He clears the low bar: First, do no harm.”

Several Republicans said Saturday they see no threat that Florida seniors will reject the ticket over Ryan’s proposals to change entitlement programs.

“I think people are over the demagoguery,” said Hillsborough County Republican activist Sam Rashid. “Everyone understands that this entire system, if it’s not beefed up, is going to be nonexistent. I don’t think it’s a holy grail that no one can touch any more.”

But Jewett said recognizing the problem isn’t the same as accepting a solution.

“When you ask Americans if they’re concerned about the deficit, they are,” he said. “But when you present specific cuts or taxes to do something about it, they don’t want to hear it.”

To read more from political scientists, read the full story with Dr. Jewett and Tampa Bay Online  by clicking here.


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