Critical Design Review

Last week, we reviewed our progress as well as our obstacles with the USIP leaders at NASA. We have made progress since the PDR however, our findings have not been far from our predictions.

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Allyson is about three-quarters of the way through with building the storage unit with the PVC pipes attached and Kelly is assisting in the completion of this portion.  Brad is approximately 50 percent done with machining the tubes and end pieces. Brad is also working on testing glue to have a strong enough hold between the pieces in order to create a vacuum seal while Kelly does the vacuum tests after the pieces are put together. Sam has finished the back-lighting and has moved into testing. Chris finished his spring tests and completed the order.

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We are quickly moving into the testing stage and each student has learned a great deal about the project itself, the steps in which it takes to complete a project, and the importance of deadlines and paperwork.

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