Meet the Team: Chris Tiller

Name: Christopher TillerHeadshot CT
DOB: May 23rd, 1993
Major: Physics
Class Standing: Junior

Chris is a third year Physics major at the University of Central Florida. In high school he was completely uncertain about what he wanted to do, but through a series of fortunate events, (and some great teachers), he ended up choosing physics as his career path. Now he’s a member of the CATE experiment, and is looking forward to the entire experience.

He is a part of our science team. His job is generally to make sure the team actually gets data out of this experiment and analyze it. They do this by setting up necessary parameters and variables in this experiment, as well as collaborating with the engineering team to make sure we can use what the team gets out of the experiment.

Chris, like most of our team, is looking forward to the parabolic flight. He has never been in one before and is imagining it’ll be like a really sweet roller-coaster.

After graduation Chris is planning to attend graduate school to further his studies in Astrophysics. CATE is helping him to achieve this because the entire experience will improve his ability to work and collaborate with others on an experiment, not to mention the lab experience.

Growing up, Chris remembers he really wanted to make video games. He even wrote all of his ideas down in a word document. He ended up with roughly 20 pages and then got bored of coming up with stuff.

An interesting fact about Chris is that he can’t fully extend his arms.

If he could be any animal, it would be a hawk for a few reasons: talons, flying, and an awesome name. “Seriously, it’s up there on the list of coolest things you can call someone,” he said.

Finally, if Chris had celebrity parents they would be “Liam Neeson and Uma Thurman because with their powers combined, I’d be pretty much unstoppable.”

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