Meet the Team: Sara Lane

Name: Sara LaneHeadshot SL

DOB: June 4, 1993

Major: Marketing

Class Standing: Junior

Sara was born in Tallahassee, FL, but after moving a total of 22 times she finally got to settle down in Orlando when she moved here to attend UCF. Originally a journalism student, Sara is now pursuing a degree in marketing with a focus in social media and its impact on the marketing field.

For CATE, Sara runs the WordPress website, Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram pages. She maintains a weekly/bi-weekly update of the website with information on the student development and how the project is progressing while also documenting everything with milestones on Twitter and pictures on Instagram. “I’ve never done any sort of work for a science related field so I like how much this makes me think outside my box and get out of my comfort zone,” Sara said.

Sara intends to graduate next spring and hopes to move out to California to pursue a career in marketing and public relations. CATE is helping her achieve this because she has had to learn about different platforms in a professional setting. “Although I use all these social media platforms for personal use, it’s a whole new world to use them for public relations and community outreach,” she said. A big part of marketing is event planning as well and reaching out to the local community. Sara has set up visits to nearby high schools to do presentations about CATE and other projects going on in the lab. She hopes this will encourage them to follow the project all the way to the flight and encourage them to pursue any interest in the STEM field that this could spark for them.

A fun fact about Sara is that she used to have an acting agent and wanted to star in a Juicy-Juice commercial as a child. Also, if she could be any animal she would definitely want to be a giraffe. “I’m really short and it would be nice to see the world from a taller perspective,” she said.

Finally, if Sara could choose celebrity parents she would choose Kesha and Tim McGraw because Kesha is very fun and energetic like she is but Tim McGraw has the southern twang that she needs because she was raised in the south.

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