January 29, 2013

Officers: Adam Emfield, Ashley Hughes, Jennifer Leavens, Julissa Nunez, Timothy White, Alexis Dewar, Alyssa Hess & Shannon Bailey
Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
Location: PSY 303 (HF Lounge)


Introductions, plans for the year, fundraising, newsletter information, webpages, HFES Student Chapter website, feedback

Plans for the year

Continuing & New events

  • Superhero party (April)
    • New venue- Tom’s (Alicia)
    • Suggested we have a poll or something similar to get new theme
    • Tim will assist in preparations- others welcome to help
  • Disney Trip
  • Air Traffic Control trip (Jen)
    • Feb. 19th (suggest pushing back to accommodate for HFES deadline)
  • Happy Hour
    • Suggested days- Mondays or Fridays
    • Party bus idea for safe transportation
  • Guest Speakers
    • Art Kramer (Feb. 4th)
    • Sprint handset developer


Roughly 2 hour meeting, decide how much we are going to request $500 from National Chapter- w/ option to ask for more later


Open floor for suggestions


Alyssa (editor), Lexi (co-editor), Adam

  • Topics- Anything useful for current students, faculty, and alumni
  • “Werebat” mascot
  • Review of previous year

Personal Webpages

  • Web presence for all members
  • Suggestions for things to be included
    • Link to CV (options for easy updating)
    • Publications
    • Recent highlights
    • Conferences attended
    • Affiliations
    • Contact information
    • Current projects
  • New website, see Szalma

Website (General) – Suggestions

  • Academic calendar
  • Upcoming events
  • Meeting minutes
  • Links to journals
  • Faculty information (office hours)
    • Front desk should be able to help with this
  • Resources to be good RAs
    • Michael Boyce & Ashley Hughes have suggestions
  • Birthdays?


  • Outreach to other disciplines
    • IT, CS, Programming Club
  • Speak at intro classes (Gaby)
  • Advertisements (“Did you know” signs)
    • Can’t be negative on UCF property Webpage

General Announcement

All HFES student chapter members are welcome to join officers weekly at 3:30 on Wednesdays for meetings/ volunteering to help