The Arboretum of The University of Central Florida was founded in 1983. From the original 12-acre “quick view” garden with a mix of ornamental and native plants in the pond pine community adjacent the Stockard Conservatory Greenhouse, The Arboretum has grown to nearly 80 acres. North of the 9 acre man-made lake and the Engineering E-2 parking lot, trails take visitors through a 5-7 acre cypress dome and a picturesque 2-3 acre oak hammock. North of the oak hammock the trail crosses an open area with wild rosemary and sand pine, and oak scrub, returning to the cypress dome. An unmarked trail circles the cypress dome on the north, club mosses and carnivorous sundews lining the sides, before rejoining the main trail on the southwest side of the dome.
Follow the broad white sand trail west through a ‘mature’ [last burned in the 1950’s] sand pine and wild rosemary community for a quick exit to the University Field House road, or return on Arboretum trails.
Because of the widely varied Central Florida habitats, natural biodiversity is high. Including plants introduced for various biology courses, more than 600 species have been reported for the Arboretum!
The Arboretum offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. Volunteers can help in the community garden, assist with horticultural work in campus landscapes, or help in campus natural lands. Come out and get your feet wet, your hands dirty, and your knowledge expanded, as you learn more about gardening, landscaping, or natural lands management!
For more information about the Arboretum please check out the following resources:
UCF Arboretum UCF Landscape and Natural Resources