How Internships are Counted and Graded
The Department of Biology allows a maximum of 4 credits of internship/research/independent study to count towards your restricted electives on the General Biology track and Additional Biology Electives on all other tracks. Anything above this maximum will count towards your upper-level free electives. Students cannot receive internship credit for current jobs they already have. The internship must be separate from your current employment.
By the last day of classes for the semester (prior to Finals week beginning), you will need to submit a two-paragraph summary of your internship experience as well as an email from your supervisor confirming the number of hours that you worked and that you performed well during your internship to give you a Satisfactory (S) grade. If either of these components is missing, you will receive an Unsatisfactory (U) grade.
Internship Hours
In general, internships are awarded credit hours based on the following guide:
- 0-50 hours of work = 0 credit hours (appears on transcript; does not cost anything if other classes are taken in the same semester or charged 1 credit hour of tuition if taken alone)
- 50-100 hours of work = 1 credit hour
- 100-150 hours of work = 2 credit hours
- 150-200 hours of work = 3 credit hours
- 200+ hours of work = 4 credit hours
Internship Opportunities
There are not internship opportunities at this time. Please check back later.
Submitting an Opportunity for Credit
To get an internship approved, you will submit the form below with the following information:
- Your contact information
- A detailed description of the work you’ll be doing
- The date range you will be working
- The number of hours/week you will be working
- The name and contact information of your Internship Supervisor
The deadline to fill out this internship form is the Friday before the first day of classes for the semester that you are requesting academic credit.
Please fill out the Biology Internship Request Form and submit your request by the Friday before the first day of classes for the semester by emailing the form to Dr. Cynthia Bayer at Please allow up to a week for Dr. Bayer to respond to your request. Please note that this is a request, and you will be receiving an email to meet with Dr. Cynthia Bayer to discuss your internship requirements and to determine if your request is approved or denied.
Other Notes
Please note that the Department of Biology does not offer guided internship programs and students are responsible for finding their own opportunities to get approved via the process above.
For assistance with internships at the following locations, please contact Frank Logiudice directly at
- Back to Nature
- Hands on Wildlife
- Central Florida Zoo
- Audubon Birds of Prey
What is an internship?
An internship is an on-site work experience that is either directly related to your major field of study or your career interest. It can be paid or unpaid and held during throughout the academic year. Students are not required to utilize internships as credit but is encouraged.
What are the benefits of an internship?
An internship gives you the opportunity to:
- Gain valuable work experience before you graduate.
- Develop new skills and refine others.
- Apply knowledge gained from coursework to on-the-job situations.
- Reality-test tentative career choices.
- Meet and work with professionals, establishing contacts for letters of reference and networking.
- Experience new work environments.
When should I start looking for an internship?
It is never too early to start looking but be sure to give yourself time to adjust to the rigors of life at UCF. Then, depending on your GPA and course load requirements, you may be ready to intern. Remember that your academic work is always your first priority.
Begin your internship search at least the semester prior to your desired placement. When doing so, you’ll have time to respond to listed positions and initiate contacts on your own. Lead time can give you a competitive edge when it comes to composing an effective cover letter or tailoring your resume to a desired internship.
What if I am an international student?
Review the F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) section and feel free to set up a meeting to speak with a UCF Global representative for more information.
Can I get academic credit for my internship?
Yes, although students are not required to utilize internships as credit.
How can I get a job or internship if I have no experience?
Employers value skills developed through academic work, volunteer experiences, extracurricular experiences or other experiences that demonstrate skills useful in work. Not all of these skills are job type specific; some of these skills are general, such as communication skills and analytical skills, and can transfer to different settings. Routine types of student jobs can demonstrate to employers that you have been a successful employee. Obtaining internships is another great way to bridge this gap.
If a job does require some very specific experience, you might consider finding a more routine position in a setting similar to where you would eventually like to hold a job with greater responsibilities.
What can I do to increase my chances of finding a job upon graduation?
In addition to looking at the job listings, network with people who may have contact suggestions for you; approach employers of interest to you; put your best effort into writing your resume and be prepared to handle interview questions well. Consider being more flexible if you are having difficulty. For a summer position, could you consider other geographical areas? Would you be able to work part-time year-round since these positions are easier to find than summer only positions?
What are some benefits of internships and student work experience?
In addition to potential wages earned, student work and internship experience is valuable for exploring fields of work you may wish to enter after graduation. Experience develops new skills and strengthens existing skills. Work experience helps you establish professional contacts in a potential field of interest. You will be able to demonstrate work-setting accomplishments in your resume.