Testing Dates and Times for Final Exam for MAC1114C and/or MAC1140C

Testing takes place in the MALL MSB240/241/242/153. Please check your syllabus for your testing dates and if you are not sure contact your instructor.

The three tests will be administered during the scheduled lab time in the MALL.

It will be your responsibility to register for the Final Exam through a dedicated website; see the section on test scheduling.

We will announce a time period in which you are able to schedule your Final Exam.  The Final Exam must be scheduled during the allotted time period .  Once the scheduling time period has ended, there will not be any changes or additions to the Final Exam schedule.

Please make sure that you have scheduled your Final Exam prior to the scheduled closing date.

Students electing to take their tests with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) must schedule their tests with SAS during the usual scheduling period, follow all SAS requirements for test scheduling, and take their test on one of the testing days scheduled for their course section.  If you are taking your final exam with SAS, do NOT schedule an appointment for MALL testing!

It is your responsibility to make sure your registration was successful.  You are not registered for an exam until you can see your reservation listed under “Check reservation” when you log into the scheduling website.  You should also receive a confirmation message on the computer screen upon successfully completing your exam registration, and/or a confirmation email within a few hours.  However, the only actual indication that you are indeed scheduled for the exam is the reservation listed under the “Check Reservation / Need Support?” link.

THE FOLLOWING POLICY APPLIES TO THE FINAL EXAM ONLY Make-up tests will be given for legitimate reasons recognized by the university. To take a make-up exam, you have to obtain permission from your instructor ahead of time.

Please check your syllabus posted in webcourses for up to date dates.

Testing Schedule and Test Registration for the final exam – Fall for Pre-Calculus MAC1140C and College Trigonometry MAC1114C

Test Dates and Times: Please check your syllabus. Tests are scheduled during the Friday sessions.

Final Exam Scheduling:

04/09/25 at 9:00am 04/19/25 at 11:59pm

Final Exam: there will be at least a test session every day 04/23, 24, 25 and 04/28 & 29**

** Available seats vary for each test session. If you plan to travel, please make sure to reserve your final exam toward the beginning of the final exam week.

For any changes or updates, please check the announcements in your webcourses.

Test Registration

  • How do I register for a test?
    • Log in to webcourses
    • Click on your course.
      • Click the “Schedule your Final Exam” link

Student Sign In

Please use your UCF NID as your username and your last name as password to sign in. Please enter your last name exactly as it is spelled including capital letters. For example, if your last name is Smith, it must be entered as ‘Smith’ and NOT ‘smith’.
    • Once you have successfully logged into the reservation system, click on a date to create a reservation. The testing dates for each test are listed in the calendars.
    • After deciding on the best available date and time, confirm your email address and complete your reservation.
    • Check your reservation by clicking on the Check Reservation link. If you cannot see your reservation, you do not have a reservation. You can also verify your reservation by checking your Knights email account for the confirmation email.
    • You may reenter “Test Scheduling” at any point to check your reservation and can change your reservation up until the time test scheduling has closed.
  • When?
    • Please be aware that there are select dates when the test scheduling will be open to students. These dates are listed in the syllabus and calendar.
    • Scheduling for your tests will open approximately a week before the first day of testing. You choose one of the open selected times for your test. It is your responsibility to arrive at your scheduled test time.
    • If you have not scheduled by the time the window has closed, you will not be able to schedule; we do not allow students to (re-)schedule once testing has begun.
    • Most actual tests require 150 minutes, but you will have scheduled a time period longer than that. We use this time as a buffer to facilitate testing. If you think you will be unable to stay an entire time period (e.g. you have work 60 minutes after the test begins), please choose a time period in which you have more flexibility.