Arboretum Student Spotlight- Meet Vincent


Favorite Plant: Frangipani
Favorite Sound: River water

Vincent Marcucci is a fourth-year undergraduate student studying filmmaking and environmental science. He began working at the UCF Arboretum as an office assistant in January 2019 and would later co-lead the creation of our Media & Marketing Co-Coordinator branch. Alongside his teammate Megan Cahill, he now oversees two interns and maintains the Arboretum’s social media and video content. Marcucci values the Arboretum’s supportive student community, casual environment and intuitive staff mentors.

Marcucci has received national and international recognition for directing his documentary, narrative and experimental films including Thrift Store, Split Oak and his current project Tales of Sunshine. Tales of Sunshine is a documentary short film series examining the intersection of environmental and social struggles through the perspective of Florida conservationists. The project has received a grant from the Office of Undergraduate Research, and will be archived in the University’s library database. The series will be released publicly in 2022. He plans to graduate from UCF in December of 2021 and continue exploring environmentally centered art abroad.

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