Fall ’22 Doctoral Candidates Honored By Associate Dean

A traditional toast and individual recognition from Associate Dean Teresa Dorman , Ed.D., sent 22 doctoral graduates into the next chapter of their careers. In her remarks, she said, “You have what it takes to be successful. You worked very hard for a very long time . . . but now you are done. Savor this moment and embrace the rewards that you have rightfully earned for your hard work.” Here is the full list of College of Sciences Ph.D. graduates.

Fall 2022 Ph.D. graduates
Fall ’22 Ph.D. Graduates

Big Data Analytics

Qing He, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Hsin-Hsiung Huang, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Bayesian Spatiotemporal Models


Katelyn Bobek, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Yu Yuan, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Harnessing the Power of the Nitro Group in Natural Product Synthesis

Martin O’Steen Ph.D., faculty advisor, Dmitry Kolpashchikov, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Characterization of a Malachite Green DNA Aptamer and Development of Malachite Green DNA Aptamer Sensor

Thomas Shaw, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Titel Jurca, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “The Facile Preparation of Bis(imino)pyridine Complexes Via Mechanochemistry and Inorganic Synthons Via Benign Reductants

Conservation Biology

Tobias Nielsen, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Kenneth Fedorka, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “The Y-Chromosome’s Role in Sexually Dimorphic Evolution and Mother’s Curse Compensation

Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology

James Ferraro, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Mustapha Mouloua Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Take the Wheel: An Examination of Factors Influencing Trust in Automated Driver Assist Technologies

Christine Seaver, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Clint Bowers Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Gamification of Sleep Hygiene Education: An Examination of Its Efficacy and the Role of Individual Differences

Integrative & Conservation Biology

Katrina Phillips, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Kate Mansfield Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Juvenile Dispersal and Genetic Connectivity in the Sea Turtle ‘Lost Years’

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Katherine Ciarlante, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Mindy Shoss Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Testing a Dynamic Model of Counterproductive Work Behavior: How Changes in Job Stressors and Affective Experiences Influence CWB Trajectory

Michael DiStaso, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Mindy Shoss, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Mistreatment anticipation and mistreatment anxiety


Poroshat Yazdanbakhshghahyazi, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Zhisheng Shuai, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Population Persistence and Disease Invasion in Heterogenous Networks


Sayandip Dhara, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Eduardo Mucciolo, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Methods and Characterization of Topological and Disordered-Induced Protection of Coherence in Quantum Systems

Sabin Regmi, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Madhab Neupane, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Observation of Novel Phases of Quantum Matter Beyond Topological Insulator

Security Studies

Sara Belligoni, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Barbara Kinsey, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Coordinating the Chaos: How Institutions Influence Multi-Actor Coordination in Emergency Management

Jennifer Hudson, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Nikola Mirilovic, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “The Direct and Indirect Effects of Strategic Civilian Displacement on Territorial Control in Conventional Civil War

Jennifer Obado Joel, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Jacopo Baggio, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Progress in Chaos: Cash Transfers and Women Economic Empowerment Amidst Climate Change and Violent Conflicts in West Africa

Alexander Norat, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Thomas Dolan, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Decentralization and Violence

Tad Schnaufer, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Michael Mousseau, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Struggling for Security: NATO’s Burden-Sharing Challenges


Deborah Griffith, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Lin Huff-Corzine, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “The Cultural Significance of Racial Socialization and ‘The Talk’ Within the Black Family

Courtney Howell, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Amy Donley, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “The Impacts of a Food Pantry on College Students

Strategic Communication

Ashley Papagni, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Robert Littlefield, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Igniting Interest?: Female Perceptions of Communication Effectiveness in Public Safety Recruitment Campaigns

Rodrigo Augusto Mauricio Soares, Ph.D., faculty advisor, Timothy Sellnow, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Post-Crisis Organizational Learning Thresholds, Pitfalls, and the Risk of Repeated Crises: Clarifying the Discourse of Renewal Theory

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