Knights Give Back this weekend

Be a part of a UCF tradition like no other!  Knights Give Back is UCF’s official campus wide day of service and is celebrating its 6th year of bringing student, faculty, staff and alumni together in the spirit of service to others.

This year we will be celebrating Knights Give Back on Saturday, October 20 from 7:30 AM – 2:00 PM. Our goal is to have over 1,000 UCF Knights making a difference in the Central Florida Community by participating in one of 19 unique service projects. This event promotes both UCF pride and civic engagement while introducing the Orlando area to our diverse and talented UCF community.

Dr. Linda Walters from the UCF Biology department will be leading a team of volunteers who will prepare materials for Turtle Mound Shoreline Stabilization Project, prepare materials and make Oyster Mats, and will pot marsh grass and mangrove seeds.

Students, Alumni, Faculty & Staff are needed to volunteer all over Central Florida providing a number of services to the community. Event participants can choose the site that looks like the most fun and has the most impact on them!

For more information or to register you can go to the Knights Give Back website at:


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