Middle Eastern Movie Series to Premiere Kurdish Film on Campus

Bekas (2012). Courtesy of Kinda Haddad.
Join the Kurdish Poltical Studies Program for the first movie in a Middle Eastern movie series with movies from across the Middle East, including the Arab World, Iran, Turkey and Kurdistan. Authentic Middle Eastern food will be provided during the showing.
- Title: BEKAS, 2012
- Director: Karzan Kader
- Description: Two orphaned Kurdish brothers see Superman in the town’s first movie theater and devise a plan to live with him in the United States. It’s a long, dangerous road ahead, requiring the boys to rely on each other to not only survive, but to achieve their dream.
- Time and Location: 7 p.m. on October 1, UCF Global Building Rm. 101
Please RSVP to Haidar Khezri at hkhezri@ucf.edu or (812) 558-6118, and be on the lookout for the next movie in the series.
This is sponsored by the Kurdish Political Studies Program (KPSP), Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, Middle Eastern Studies Program, Al Ghazali Islamic Studies Program, and Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Program for Strategic Research and Studies (PMBF Program).