“Red on the Head” Produces Guaranteed Laughs

20130909164444_Book coverGoing down memory lane through one’s memories is always a treat, and it worked greatly for Bill Hughes, ’75. He recently published his memoir, “I’d Rather Be Dead than Red on the Head,” with the title being a quote from a classmate who teased Hughes as a child.

In his memoir, Hughes tells us about many of his unique and humorous experiences including a bizarre encounter with a witch doctor in Africa, being kidnapped twice, and intimidating encounters on a Greyhound bus on his way to visit his daughter. Through the adversities and experiences he experiences in his anecdotes, Hughes shows us that we must never forget that God has a plan for us, despite how much we want control over it.

“No matter what happens in your life whether it’s good or bad, if it’s crazy, or if it doesn’t make sense, the idea is that in all of that we don’t trust ourselves but we trust in God, that he’s going to take care of us. That’s kind of what I’ve wanted to share during the whole thing,” said Bill Hughes.

This memoir, published in 2012 and now available on Amazon, also instills the concept of life, no matter what, is basically funny for all that we go through.

A political science graduate, Hughes is also a Minister of Youth at First Baptist Church in Tifton, Georgia. If you’d like to get more information, visit http://billhughes.tateauthor.com



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