Political Science Junior Law School Bound

1 Rodney

In just a few weeks, Rodney Ulysse is heading to the Florida State University (FSU) College of Law. He will be the only University of Central Florida (UCF) senior and first-year FSU law student in his class.

The UCF Political Science major was admitted through FSU’s highly competitive 3+3 program. It provides qualifying students from partner schools with the opportunity to earn their bachelor and law degrees in six years, instead of the usual seven.

Ulysse said, “I feel blessed to be accepted into the program. Coming from my humbled beginning, no one in their right mind would have thought I would make it here. I am nervous, ecstatic, a lot of different emotions.”

Ulysse learned about the 3+3 program at transfer student orientation and contacted UCF’s Office of Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising (PHPL) to learn more. That’s where he met Erin Myszkowski, Ph.D., who guided him through the admissions process.

“Rodney is a great student,” said Myszkowski. “What impressed me most was his determination. We mapped out his path, he stuck to it, and we were thrilled when we found out he was admitted to FSU law school.  

Barry Edwards, Ph.D, a lecturer in UCF’s Political Science Department consistently saw Ulysse’s commitment to social justice, but one assignment stands out. “Rodney observed a U.S. District for the Middle District of Florida regarding student loan debt. He did in depth research including applicable laws, procedures, and precedents. I now use his report as an example of a successful research project for students who take that class with me.”

As a member of his church’s pastoral staff, Ulysse serves as a leader in the the juvenile prison ministry and homeless ministry.  He explained that working with those in need of help inspired him to purse civil law to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate.

“My goal is to become well versed in the law so that I can one day use that knowledge to bring people together, and protect their rights against the interests of the powerful,” said Ulysse.



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