Science Café to feature Dr. Kate Mansfield

Dr. Kate Mansfield holding a sea turtle with a satellite device attached to its shell.
This Thursday, Oct. 30, Dr. Kate Mansfield will be featured in the second Science Café talk.
Mansfield, from the UCF Biology Department, is speaking about her research on sea turtles in her talk titled “FOUND: The Sea Turtle “Lost Years”. By attaching satellite tracking devices to loggerhead turtles off of Florida’s coast, she and her team of scientists were able to track the activity of sea turtles during the years that they seemingly disappear. Until now, not much was known about the turtles between the time that they swim into the ocean after hatching and when they return to near-shore waters as large juveniles.
Science Café is hosted each month by the Office of Research & Commercialization, Graduate Society of Physics Students, the Physics Department, and Environmental Health & Safety. Each talk features a different professor and their research.
Dr. Peter Delfyett from CREOL will be speaking on Thursday, Nov. 13 and Dr. Shengli Zou from the Chemistry Department will be featured on Thursday, Dec. 11.
Join Mansfield this Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Physical Sciences Building, room 161 for her exciting talk on the “lost years” of loggerhead sea turtles.
For more information on her research read Sea Turtles “Lost Years” Mystery Starts to Unravel.
To RSVP for this event please visit the Science Café page or contact Jose Vasquez for more information at or 407-823-2605.