Sociology and Social Sciences Career Day Success

The UCF Department of Sociology’s fourth annual event, Sociology and Social Sciences Career Day, left attendees feeling inspired.

The event, which was held in the student union on March 22, 2017 brought in nearly one-hundred students and alumni. Employers from a variety of industries filled the room as they scouted potential additions to their teams.

Employers included government organizations such as the U.S. Peace Corps, judicial system positions in organizations such as the UCF Police Department, and social services employers such as the Department of Children and Families. Other organizations that attended the event included the Boys and Girls Club, the FBI, United Against Poverty and many more.

According to Department of Sociology Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator Amy Donley, Ph.D., the career day event was beneficial all-around.

“This event is an opportunity for students to learn more about local agencies that are doing excellent work in the community and in turn for agencies to meet our talented students,” Donley said.

Karin Fazio, a UCF social sciences sophomore, believes that the event has great opportunity for growth as it values the importance of one-on-one interaction between the organizations and the students. For Fazio, the presence of non-profit organizations, such as The Sharing Center, is what sparked her interest in attending the event.

A representative of The Sharing Center said she was glad to spark interest at the event full of inspirational students like Fazio.

“I was inspired by all of the motivated students who were eager to make a difference,” said the Development Manager of The Sharing Center, Tina DeWolfe-Stafstrom.

UCF sociology alumnus Jessie Holton networks with an event attendee alongside his service dog Primus.

Dewolfe-Stafstrom is one of many who believe providing such events is a great way to open doors for students and alumni.

Jessie Holton along with his colleague Johan Acosta, both UCF sociology alumni, attended the event on behalf of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office. Sitting supportively beside them was Holton’s therapy dog Primus. As a past UCF student, Holton believes having career day events allows students to begin the transition from student to employee prior to graduation. Holton attended the event feeling confident he would find what he was looking for.

“UCF consistently produces men and women ready to enter the criminal justice system who understand the needs of the future and are willing to put in the work to reach those goals,” Holton said.

Thanks to the involvement of students, alumni and employers, the Sociology and Social Sciences Career Day achieved its goal of creating connections for a brighter future.

To view photos from the event, click here.

UCF Sociology & Social Sciences Career Day

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