Dr. Anca Turcu (Ph.D. University of Texas at Dallas) is a comparativist who specializes in the political and electoral behavior of diasporas, populism, transnational repression, borders and migration studies, as well as AI governance. Her research articles have been published in The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Political Geography, Party Politics, Comparative European Politics, Journal of Rural Studies, European Journal of Political Research, Global Environmental Politics, Diaspora Studies, and Comparative Political Studies. (Google Scholar profile here.)

Other publications: book chapters and book reviews have been published with the University of Turin Press, Democratization, The Journal of Political Science Education, The Journal of Faculty Development, and the Italian-American Review.

Dr. Turcu is a UCF Teaching Incentive Program Award recipient and writes on occasion for the Romanian news analysis and opinion site Contributors.ro.

She is fluent in six languages: Romanian (native), English, Italian, German, French and Spanish.

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