October 23, 2013

Officer’s Meeting

Location: Graffiti Junktion
Officers Present: Adam Emfield, Ashley Hughes, Jennifer Leavens, Julissa Nunez, Lexi Dewar, Tim White, and Shan Lakhmani
Time: 5:30-6:30


  • Administrative
  • Events
  • Budget & Money
  • Website
  • Other



  • Andrew Talone – Treasurer Candidate
  • Ask around for other possible candidates

HFES Funding Manual – Feedback before we move on?

  • Lexi completed the checklist
  • Look and make any additional edits

HFES Social Manual


Guest Speaker (Nov. 8th)

  • Flyer (Shan)
  • Create email after it is completed (Julissa)

Disney Trip

  • Jen to email everyone for final confirmations

HFES Conference

  • HFES Social
    • Donation check to deposit
      • Given to Jen to deposit
    • Gift ideas
      • Shan


      • Send to listserv
  • NEM Expo
  • Halloween Party
    • Signups
    • Spread the word
    • Invitations to MASK
  • Mentorship stuff

Budget and Money

Overhead money

FAO Supplies – Banner

Budget Amendments

  • Talk to Mouloua
  • Banner prices
    • To be emailed by Lexi


All previous stuff (see last week’s agenda)

Update NEM Month stuff for this year and newer photos for recent events

  • Photos Up
  • Let Shan know if you want more added
  • Still working on design


Create Facebook group for HFES officers (across universities)

  • Invite others you may know

Facebook group for all HFES members

  • Write up email to send to listserv (Julissa)

Reimburse Travis for NEM donation boxes