October 09, 2013

October 09, 2013- Officer’s Meeting

Location: PSY 302 HF Lounge
Officers Present: Adam, Lexi, Jen, Ashley, Shan
Time: 5:00pm-6:00pm


  • Administrative
  • Events
  • Budget & Money
  • Other


Elections – Be thinking about this… Nominations by 11/08, Accept/Decline by 11/15, Election begins 11/22 – 12/01 (All dates tentative)

To announce at Florian’s Brownbag (November 1st)


First General Meeting – Movie Night — Any feedback?

    • Not many people stayed

Not many first years

Guest Speaker

  • Paperwork completed, submitted, meeting tonight (At 4:00pm)
  • Kades from Exponent

Disney Trip

  • 5 Confirmed (3 of which are annual passholders), 4 cannot go
  • Go or no go?  Reschedule or forgot?
    • Reschedule and subsidize
    • Reschedule as an incentive for cheaper ticket
    • Doodle or veterans days (Jen to look into finding better dates)

Happy hour- week before Thanksgiving; Tuesday 7pm (based on last Happy Hour event)

  • HFES Conference
    • HFES Social
    • Success!
    • Estimated 125 in attendance
  • A few quick comments on things we learned
    • Ran out of food, more fondue
    • Music in the background
    • Venue facilitated sit-down
    • Signs
    • Guestbook
    • Networking
    • Feedback form (through student chapter listserv, contacts we made, our students)
      • Questions
      • Check from Beth Blickensderfer
      • Thank you presents with the money and email.

We will be writing up a guide for this that I hope everyone will contribute to, even if you were not there

HFES President’s Lunch and other interesting tidbits

  • Undergraduates (associate members)
  • Ways to encourage people

NEM Expo (video games)

  • Need a lead person to contact and work with Tom Alicia
    • Jenn will
    • Reuse the flyer
    • Last week in October

Halloween Party

  • Nail down details
    • If on Saturday, we’ll need another venue (Ashley’s?)
      • Most likely on Saturday (10/26) at 9pm
      • Decorations from Tara (Jenn)
        • facebook
      • 30 minutes (Shan, Jenn, Adam,
      • Jenn (jello shots), Shan (punch bowl), start a sign up list.
      • excel file on google drive to fill out (Julissa to put together in ) the email, volunteer to clean up)
      • Halloween costume voting

      If we moved to Friday, could likely do at my place

    • Time?
    • What do we need to bring? Who brings it

Budget and Money

Overhead money – Any ideas for use yet?

IST Donation – awaiting final tax information

  • FSO

FAO Supplies – start thinking about uses for $100 again this fiscal year

Adam contacting OSI

Happy Hour- interdisciplinary for fund raising (to be discussed next week)


Update logo

Events Page (from side link) – make more salient, link to our google calendar from hfes.ucf, and update with current events

Add Twitter to social media

Remove Google Group message board

Update ‘Contact us’

Make sure all references to us are HFES UCF, not UCF HFES


  • Next Meeting: Mellow Mushroom- 5:30