September 11, 2012

Pre-Chapter Meeting

Location: Psy 302

Sender’s information

  • Gaby- Sender’s documents; post event evaluation form

HFES money

  • Another 200 bucks either for an election event, leadership event or the halloween party
  • Encourage everyone to refill the forms that are being passed around (encourage accuracy; follow the link in the email)

National Ergonomic Month


  • Tom has contact for photo shoot for publicity in nintendo game display; leasing old time
  • Controllers; show the evolution from ergonomics standpoint
  • Tv’s with compatible ports – need red/yellow/white composite input
  • Call going out: need to put out in psychology department (red yellow and white needed)
  • Who has what systems?

People Assignments

  • Tom: Atari, 8bit nintendo, Xbox, ps1, N64
  • Shan: Kinnect, DS, TV, ps2 About to talk to Peter Smith about borrowing some more systems
  • Ben: 360
  • Adam: ps2? (maybe)
  • Ashley: Wii? (maybe)


  • MTW 10-2 building a schedule of people ; sign up for 2 hour blocks
  • Set up: Mon: 8-10;
  • Brandon – Gaby’s RA
  • Email
  • HFES is doing this thing, these are the days, hours, please email me back with your contact information if you choose to participate in this ergonomics awareness month!- Ashley to draft email for undergrad help with this event -Ask them all to to ask their RAs -2 RAs per shift


  • -posters, facebook, website, (Shan, Ashley to assist)

What we need material wise

  • Surge protector (3)
  • Folding Tables (4)
  • TVs
  • Donation Jar
  • Labels for the systems: Dates for when the systems came out; system name
  • Posters may be available from prior years (in cubicle at TPL)


  • Quarter slots: for donations (like an arcade)
  • Which is your favorite console (dollar donations count as votes)
  • Idea: Arcade type of slot to insert donation funds (big enough for dollar bills)

HFES Conference Social

  • we need to determine how much funding we need and can get from the department
  • we need a place/venue
  • advertisement
  • Who is in charge and who is invited?
  • Do we want to make school connections?
  • George Mason or Georgia Tech for partners , Embry Riddle (Adam to contact George Mason; Ashley to contact Embry Riddle Haydee; wendy rogers from GA tech -Gaby and Jurate)
  • venue: Amira
  • Can we get a discount? *biggest question
  • Gaby to figure out who she is going to interview

First General Meeting

  • Adam may give address in Ben’s absence
  • Drive for people to pay dues and join
  • What do you really get out of dues?
  • Psych web re-direction to our website
  • scavenger hunt interested? y/n

HFES Scavenger Hunt

  • list of things to take pictures of
  • 4 dollars per person, 20 per team
  • We should do that!
  • Tom will coordinate some tentative teams at Thursday mtg